Friday, June 19, 2015

Acknowledging Cross Provincial Aboriginals

The Aboriginals in the article just got recognition form the federal government of there status.  So, we are finding that by new acknowledgements, the 'traditional' lands and seas usage was all over Canada.  Settlements are where Aboriginal were found and forced to stay or move to.  Another Province has come out with an apology outside of provinces like Ontario, which has a large Indigenous population that can't move outside provincial boundaries and be Aboriginal.  By acknowledging their status we are seeing what Aboriginals are and denying this makes no sense.

Depending on where you were it wasn't such a bad thing to get out of the reserve very young.......

Boundaries and Trap lines and Traditional

The Provincial Park was the issue.  Crown provincial boundaries, trap lines and 'traditional' territories are all inventions of recent migrations to Canada.  Indigenous people used these land and waters without regard to any of this.  There must be an Aboriginal national referendum on what to do with these resources.  Internet voting takes about five minutes......................

Why One Feather?

Well, it doesn't appear to be an strategic analysis of the AFN confederation and treating with provincial crowns diminishing Aboriginals traditional dealing only with the federal crown.  Either way one feather is the only answer.  There are never too many chiefs, since everyone is........

Thursday, June 18, 2015

AFN Treatying With Provinces For Personal Gain

The AFN is corrupt and doesn't represent most of the people it says it does and the Provinces just take advantage of this as the AFN party does.

There are no treaties with Provinces.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Professor Reinforces AFN Party and Provincial Lands and Seas Grants to AFN ........................................................... as NDP Party takes Alberta

Well, maybe that's why AFN went into deals with provinces as they went quasi colonial confederation and further disenfranchised 100,000s of Aboriginals form their resources.

Indigenous persons don't acknowledge crowns borders.  One main reason is that leaving the province the Aboriginal is assigned to makes them no longer AboriginalIndigenous Canadians have always roamed from seas to seas and used all the resources available..........for over 15,000 years.

We still roam and use.  Don't bother telling us we don't have rights to all Canada's resources.  Usage........

Monday, June 8, 2015

Most Indigenous Communities are in cities, not AFN reserves

While the AFN lobbied the crowns successfully for lands and seas grants, barring majority Aboriginal from participation, the realities are that most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and the 'trickle down' tax benefits to Aboriginals are intercepted by the AFN and NDP parties with the Liberals preferring a management role in the interdiction.  Aboriginals need a direct to pocket of each Aboriginal benefits, like, for example, resource use, but, unfortunately, the appearance is that the Conservatives chose the family tax credit as the solution, writing off majority Aboriginals disenfranchised by the AFN as assimilated.'

First Nation British Columbia has been evicting Aboriginals For over 30 years...

Now, they want clarity.  Well, most AFNs aren't Indigenous, but are results of recent successful migrations.  So, while the crowns grant indigenous lands and seas, resources, to the AFN party; they are simply repeating what has been done in the past.  Majority Aboriginals have understood this for many years, unable to take the AFN to court or the crowns.  Clarification would have majority Aboriginals participate in these processes and rectifying the injustices.

'Putting The Indian Back Into The Child'

In the comments section. 

So, what is an Aboriginal student?  Do they have to pass AFN racial purity standards?  Can anyone go there if they identify as Aboriginal?  Why not, self identifying for other programs is acceptable.  So, will the teaching be based on AFN party's idea of what Aboriginal is; are these really indigenous and should the teaching reflect the scientific realities of North American Aboriginals?  Will they be teaching about the colonies' Great Spirit?  Dancing?  AFN seizures of Aboriginal lands and seas, denying Aboriginals access?  Racial purity based on 'mothers and fathers' 'traditional claims?'  Migrations and first peoples based on the original migration out of Africa?  DNA scientific evidence of first peoples and recent colonizations?.........

The curriculum should be published on the internet after open Aboriginal consultations on the material, available for internet courses and open government?  If the crowns are serious about education it should be available on the internet, no hiding what is being taught, unlike Ontario's 'revamping' of Wynne's Sex Education Curriculum

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Environmentalism: Another Land Claim and Crowns Grants

Well, maybe we should ask majority Aboriginals what they think, but the AFN has already barred them from these lands and any say in resources.

Yes, Might Have Been The Child Family Tax Credit

directly into the pockets of  those that really can't afford the $250,000 it takes to raise a child properly.  We would to have liked to see a tax credit for those who are responsible enough not to have children they can't afford.

Most of AFN Are Not Indigenous Peoples

They are recent colonies.  The AFN wants UN acknowledgement when the AFN practices racial purity laws and has disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals and stolen hundreds of millions meant for Aboriginals.  The AFN doesn't represent majority Aboriginals at all.

Ernie, It's Not Your Money, It's Ours........

Perry, It's Not Your Money, It's Ours

and we need it to go directly into our pockets rather than have it wasted by the AFN party.

Maybe the problem is, like the NDP party, the AFN party has become as specialist at intercepting funding that should go directly to Aboriginals to perform services, like welfare, education and healthcare, both provincial and federal crowns.  Each Aboriginal can make these decisions and save money for everyone.  Specializing in intercepting for Aboriginals - trickle down tax funding, that has failed Aboriginals horribly, has no future.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

AFN Takes Over Healthcare, Palliative Care Numbers Rise

A sampling of off reserve Aboriginals might help, although the goal seems to only focus on AFN Aboriginals on reserves.  AFN has been given millions to help with Aboriginal health care and help prevent these fatal diseases.  Unfortunately, those in Aboriginals in need never saw a penny in programs or cash and are dying as a result.  Maybe we should audit AFN again.

AFN INM Faction Treaties With NDP and Liberal Party Leaders: AFN Becomes Political Party

Many seem to be forgetting that AFN through its INM faction became a political party when it treatied as on with the NDP and Liberal Party leaders, excepting all other parties.  In addition to resource use seizures and banning Aboriginals by the AFN through the crowns, it will be even more difficult to hold the AFN accountable for the disenfranchisement and, for example, imprisoning, of hundreds of thousands of  Aboriginals, not to mention the AFN stealing cost to same.