Monday, September 30, 2013

Indigenous Peoples

Municipal Planning

Do any AFN 'communities' have one? Do they even allow all the Aboriginals they claim to vote? Live?

CityPlanTO (CityPlanTO):
#CProundtable 'The Shape of Toronto's Suburbs" is starting in 10 minutes. Join the conversation / watch online!

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Indigenous Law Bans?

AFN bans Aboriginals from their lands and waters. Beyond this, no such law exists. We asked for a UN investigation into the AFN for Aboriginal abuse. Since AFN has taken crown land and waters territorial grants from the province, they should pay provincial taxes like any other municipality. The reliance is created by the AFN.

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Taxes and Majority Aboriginals

The timeline explains cowns taxes and how Aboriginals lost relying on the crowns to benefit Aboriginals from the top down. Recently, this has been evidenced by provincial crowns deals and management by the corrupt AFN. This should remind of Aboriginal education in the past as greedy provinces assert control with AFN of Aboriginal education funding and government jobs.

Aboriginals cannot enforce crowns taxes when provinces refuse to pay federal, for example resource, taxes. Top down can't work if the top isn't collecting, regardless of excuses in balancing for excuses that go back to Canadian confederation as AFN does so; municipalities, as the AFN has, are asserting more direct control, claiming the same top down arguement the crowns higher up in the tax structure have for years. Like the AFN, this reduces direct benefits to individuals by region and number of qualifying members as the municipalities take more of the direct benefits for services, like welfare, they claim for funding and employing government service providers.

Majority Aboriginals need federal direct benefits without third parties like the corrupt, abusive and disenfranchising AFN. This works because, in the past, before the AFN and provinces middlemen took the direct benefits away from individuals, the system was surviveable. It is no longer as we see Aboriginals spiral back into squallored lives with the minority AFN corrupting most benefits. Open data or open government requests of the AFN by crowns is not due diligence. Direct, federal benefits to individual Aboriginals is a need now, not a luxury for the crowns.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Before 'Coastal Nations' Ackowledging Borders There Were Indigenous Peoples

Like most successful colonies the AFN has been given lands and waters grants by the crowns and bar Aboriginals from the resources.

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AFN Bank

AFN has grossly mismanaged Aboriginal affairs and should be barred from any Aboriginal administration.

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'Warrior Societies'

Maybe we should get them into the environment. They're good at music and dancing too!

A year ago I was talking to a co worker with the Director near by. I had just finshed talking to her about Aboriginal life as a baby or toddler and began talking to the co worker. We were discussing Aboriginal life and I explained that reserves, the way of life, is foreign and one reason Aboriginals get confused about what they are - I guess the Director thought he should be shocked. Usual advice: Take a long walk - this is what you are.

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Local 'Communities'

AFN and Provincial greed, lands and waters grants to the AFN, interpretation of Indigenous special rights by AFN and Provinces reflecting itself globally affecting many Indigenous persons.

Indigenous rights have always been federal, including lands and waters, and is evidenced by Canadian history before the AFN minority chose to claim all Aborginals and divided Aboriginal rights by Province and 'communities' and Aboriginal disenfranchisement attrition.

All Aboriginals have equal rights, federally, regardless of where they live. There is no difference between the Aboriginal communites in Toronto or a small reserve in the North or the coasts. It was common to live in vast areas utilizing resources as needed and dictated by the environment.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013


AFN cannot manage Aboriginal affairs. AFN is the biggest abuser of Aboriginals in history. Asking for very basic transparency, like Chiefs' salaries, resulted in violence, threats and the AFN - INM faction political party treatying.

Deal only with the PMO, no third parties like the AFN. AFN is corrupt to its core.

What happened to all the AFN banded Aboriginals?

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Tony Clement (TonyclementCPC):
My pleasure! RT @MetisCouncil: Special guests @TonyclementCPC , @brownbarrie , and @RodneyJackson .

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Majority Aboriginals not Consulted

AFN bars Aboriginals from the lands and waters AFN claims. What happened to AFN life banded Aboriginals since 1985?

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We're not here to be entertained by the AFN

or colonial confederations. If the AFN must be dealt with contact the PMO first. This is AFN 'country culture.' Most Aboriginals don't believe in these parties.

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Regionalization of Majority Aboriginals

Like, BC, we assume this group gets a rubber stamp from the federal government and is more a grab for some of the action ($) the AFN gets. The AFN - INM treaty, NDP and Provincial education should sound familiar. In Ontario the Liberals sit at the top and let the parties go after each waiting for pleasing special interests based on controlling finances.

Aboriginals have always had a federal manfate, regardless of AFN and Provincial greed. It makes more sense to handle Aboriginal issues cutting out middlepersons like the AFN, Provinces and NDP, especially resource issues where majority Aboriginals are disenfranchised by the middlepersons. Greed and quiet agreement to disenfranchise - more cash for us. Federal mandates and AFN and Provincial greed excused in territoriality. Lands and seas were always used by Indigenious persons, regardless of recent colonial crown land gants and Avoriginal barring by the AFN.

Federal, direct, cash compensations to majority Aboriginals are necessary and this will also serve to streamline business, although 'communities' will continue to trend for cash from their 'back yards.' AFN is the Aboriginal minoriy, so towns, cities and families will continue to lay claims.

We demand the elimination of the AFN as any type of administrator to Aboriginals. Aboriginal abuse, corruption and Aboriginal disenfranchisement.

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Forced Aboriginal Self Identification In Schools

The usual answer is your not and AFN will refuse you based on AFN racial purity laws. It's more of a identify children as not AFN Aboriginal and not subject to special Indigenous rights. The last ten years has also seen the ending of AFN Aboriginal disenfranchisement that AFN planned to reduce Aboriginal populations on the lands AFN claims.

Notice the article says AFN and non AFN, not Indigenous. Many AFN are, in fact, not Indigenous to North America, but the result of recent migrations and successful colonization. Aleto is referring to this when he mentions diversity and inclusiveness.

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Education Payments

The AFN signed that money over to the NDP with the AFN - INM treaty. NDP has claimed the government money and jobs and will claim they helped. NDP prefers Provincial government employees and, in education, funds. AFN territorial claims fit nicely into the AFN and NDP planning. NDP already has the education money.

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Territoriality and Aboriginal Rights

AFN doesn't have special rights, Aboriginals do; so the land the AFN claims is not theirs, but all Aboriginals. AFN's policy of barring Aboriginals from their land is no different than crown land grants to colonists by the Queen.

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Where are all the Aboriginals AFN Claims?

No One Told Them AFN Life Banded Aborinals are Banned?

AFN is a Party

'The author portrays the slow transformation of First Nations peoples from entrepreneurs in a global economy to inmates....'

This is a timely book, but I would like to see more about the Provinces that removed Aboriginals completely than a reflection of what the AFN is doing today. Maybe I should read it. ; )

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'...attempt to resolve any issues with any other Aboriginal groups with overlapping claims and interests;...'

AFN Treatying with Federal Government Regionalized by Province

Not new, as, BC especially, has moved to work with the AFN with federal approval an end product formality. BC, in this case, seems to be a more formality as AFN asserts Aboriginals' federal mandate - the new treatying push leaning more on federal than the AFN- INM faction ending of the AFN Provincial, especially land grants, push.

The MOU cited appears to be more environmental than land and water grants, which makes sense considering AFN's recent Provincial push and AFN traditional dealings with the federal govenment - environmental claims leading to land and water claims.

No MOU available in the article. Does the MOU bar Aboriginals, especially AFN life banded Aboriginals, from any lands and waters, AFN - Provincial dealings would indicate a yes, but, hopefully, the federal govetnment was able to limit this.

The problem isn't unilateral legislation. The problem is the minority AFN taking unilateral action for Aboriginals it claims to represent, but has disenfranchised and abused the majority they claim administration to ~

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Friday, September 27, 2013

AFN Disengranchised Aboriginals: Microfinance!

The Congress seems to be more of an AFN catchment for Aboriginals AFN has abused and disenfranchised than help for the new 'status' Aboriginals approved by the federal government. Microfinance is a value judgement in that it is referred to as a 'hand up,' not the implied 'handout.' This, combined with stigmatizing Aboriginals as 'off the reserve,' regardless of the new status Aboriginals, seems to make microfinance the final resting place for AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals. Regardless of the 'help' being offered, Aboriginals need to assert their rights federally at the PMO.

Having 20 years experience in microfinance, its not much of an increase in standard of living, but might be more than welfare, something the AFN tried to cut along with the Provinces, disenfranchising more Aboriginals. Once again, a value judgement of the 'undesireable,' poor who, they believe, are chronic.

Assert your rights at the PMO.;_ylt=A2KLOzFKdEZS4WkAI6lEDex_

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UN Development (UNDP):
Opening data is key to preventing corruption: Norway's @SVHeikki at #UNGA #beyond2015 @anticorruption @UNODC #DemocracySaturday

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No Aboriginal Consultation - Federal Taxes

Probably the worst Province for no condultation with majority Aboriginals. One major reason we demand a Canadian resource use audit for majority Aboriginals, dans development costs. In addition, Aboriginals were compensated federally, their reasoning being federal taxes are collected and used for this purpose. If Canada isn't collecting the federal tax, Aboriginal compensation can't be accurate. Like AFN recent Provincial deal making, the goals are to erode federal responsibility and limit compensation by territory snd number as thr AFN has ended its Aboriginal disenfranchisement campaign.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lands and Waters

Hard to seperate, as the AFN has done. The concept of a few persons, claiming to represent many, living in a recent colony and claiming more crown land grants is ridicuous, especially when AFN bars majority Aboriginals. Even the life banded.


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Just Another Community Wanting A Cut

This is now a trend. There really are no differences between AFN claims and city claims. Problems with the AFN minority include transparency, Aboriginal disenfranchisement and abuse, and violence.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

There should be Less AFN participation, not more

Considering AFN uses civil society laws to disenfranchise Aboriginals AFN is probably not who should be judging. AFN is the reason many Aboriginals go to jail and law is a disenfranchising AFN tool. Familar?

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

AFN Forced Negitiations

The negotiations are based on AFN territorialty claims and land grants by the provincial crowns to AFN. Most majority Aboriginals have been conpletely didenfranchised by the AFN and have not been consulted. The federal crown would like to say it practiced due diligence, having asked AFN for transparency. Everyone knows the game. History calls for audits from band lists since inception, resource adsessment and use and many other items. It is difficult for AFN to escape Aboriginal abuse and the federal crown its resonsibility.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

UN Review Special Interest

The review seemed compromised to special interest groups and gender, specifically, has been a foreign policy sub agenda and funding source for the last 15 years in foreign aid, especially from the US. All this aside, Canada did respond to this special interest lobby with a committee that, apparently, secrets its meetings and affects - suffering from a lack of openess. Apparently, the AFN and its assertive control over Aboriginals appears to have no consideration, making finding actual causes impossible.

The concern should include all Aboriginals and AFN's disenfranchisement of them and the consequences of this process. For example, AFN's use of civil society, law enforcement, radicalization and violence.

The trend of AFN and provincial land grants seems to have slowed as the AFN now champions treaties. AFN - INM was another Aboriginal damaging AFN faction that was used as a 'grass roots' generator co opted to special interests, not addressing majority Aboriginals and Canadians.

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Opting out isn't an option, even for Aboriginals who have special rights. Aside from what appears to be punitive religous applications of civil society, its laws, like not wearing a mask; gender can also be used for civil society measures in, for example, community colleges. In Ontario, as a practicing example, female only classes at George Brown College bar males and any person identifying as a female in any way without all female physical traits. It may not be the practical application of civil society and its laws, but a punitive act based in them. The mask may be removed, but application may require special exception once it is; see timeline on this issue.

It may be necessary, especially since the political parties (e.g. NDP) signed the AFN - INM treaty, for the AFN and Aboriginals to 'opt out.' Education, especially post secondary and bridging programs, make Aboriginals vulnerable when this is not necessary.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Aboriginals not Consulted

Like the 'values' issue, this seems to be gender issue special interests compromising religious freedom for an anti religous sub serving agenda. 'Special status,' like Indigenous persons in Canada and at the UN, continue to be on these 'gender' special interests agenda. NDP usary pursuit of the minority, agreeing AFN government monies, government jobs and programs, is a good example of the fluid Quebec 'values' issues.

It would be adviseable to acknowledge Aboriginals unique, historical and special status' before declaration which the CSO CRITIQ appears to be doing.....
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Indigenous Canada™ ©2013

BC Business School Sued

Imdigenous Peoples

Telling your story.

I think the 'museum' is missing the story of Indigenous peoples by framing Aboriginals in references they prefer, like art and dances, clothing and looks. These are mostly surface representations that provided a preferred frame of reference. Science seems to be missing, excused by few artifacts and nomadic life. Hard science and what Indigenous people are is becoming more available for detailed learning in the ancestors themselves in, for example, genetic artifacts. The museum, in keeping with prferred learning and study of Indigenous peoples, has completely passed on hard science of Indigenous ancestors. This services the AFN and special interests rather than true, hard science and pure sources like Indigenous ancestors.

Most stories are of relatively recent migrations and successful colonizations seizing Indigenous ancestors and their history. Indigenous people might point to an ancestor - a lake, an ocean, a mountain or a salmon and tell you - that is my ancestor.

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AFN Bars Aboriginals from their Land and Resources

Even AFN banded for life Aboriginals are not permitted on other AFN lands and provincial crown land grants. Provinces will tell you no affiliation outside the province is allowed. Most of these crown grants to AFN are 'recent' migrations, like, for example, BC, where Indigenous peoples are recorded on the west coast, like California, about 15,000 years ago - long before 'successful colonization.' Ancestors should be submitted for third party study as the elders are sometimes unrelated to the AFN provincial crown lands and waters grants. Unfortunately, AFN seizes the ancestors and non professional or no study at all is done. The truth is taken.

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Provinces and AFN Claims

AFN is the biggest Aboriginal abuser in history and, lately, provinces have been more than helpful in greed.

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Steve Paikin (spaikin):
we're still colonial in our thinking says studin. we have annexes in the american project. must change our psyche. #therosedaleclub

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Indigenous Canada™ ©2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Majority Aboriginal Demand Consultations and Compensation

The AFN is a fast and cheap pay off. Majority Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and, over the last years, by the provinces and AFN - INM NDP/Liberal treaty.

The PMO must minister to majority Aboriginals. Asking for AFN transparency is not enough as asking what happened to tens of thousands of SFN banded Aboriginals and Aboriginals ehos rights are becoming ackowledge immediately. AFN territoriality makes no sense to Indigenous persons.

PMO should acknowledge and begin federal ministering immediately.
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Indigenous Canada™ ©2013
Open Data Toronto (Open_TO):
MT @SunFoundation: Had problems getting #opendata from any level of government? We'd love to hear yr story! #opengov

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Again, Majority Aboriginals Demand Consultations

and compendation without AFN or Provincial claimed representation. History judges preference for AFN as convenient and less expensive - AFN has just finished disenfranchising the majority of Aboriginals it claims and claims to represent.
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Indigenous Canada™ ©2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Indigenous Rights Return?

Indigenousgovernment and rights destroyed with UN and other governments endorsement.

Back? How, after so many years and seizures?

LawLibraryofCongress (LawLibCongress):
★★#FIJI signed new Republican #Constitution with elected Parliament entrenches #aboriginal rights @LawLibCongress

retweet of @LawScribes tweet

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NPR Politics (nprpolitics):
For Native Americans, Mental Health Budget Cuts Hit Hard

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Roll Call (rollcall):
States Battle to Recover Royalties for Energy Production on Public Lands:

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ProstateCancerCanada (ProstateCancerC):
ATTN MEN: Get Tested! Sept. is #ProstateCancer Awareness Month! Learn more by watching this video! #KnowYourNumber

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Toronto Police (TorontoPolice):
MT @AnneMarieBatten World #SuicidePreventionDay Encourage open communication~Listen more~Talk less #WSPD13 ^sm

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Evan Solomon (evansolomoncbc):
Jason Kenney says if Charter of Values passes and violates freedom of religion the fed Gov't would challenge it as unconstitutional #cdnpoli

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Open Data Toronto (Open_TO):
How working with #opendata can help your charity do incredible things via @guardian #dataeh!

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Quebec 'Values Charter' Excludes Aboriginals

and their special status and rights, but requires a gender status value while barring religous values. This seems punitive and exclusive. Majority Aboriginals demand addressing as the Canadian govènment has; recent AFN dealings with provinces require compliance by AFN and Provincial civil societies and laws.
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Indigenous Canada™ ©2013

CBC news now boadcast live

Monday, September 9, 2013

Aboriginals Targeted at Canadian Senate

I'm supposed to say an appointment would be a mistake. Maybe a committee and some secret meetings with unknown and unaccountable affects?

NDP are fascist with desire to control all government funding and jobs. AFN is their happy hunting ground. Provincial crowns are vehicles.
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Indigenous Canada™ ©2013
ProstateCancerCanada (ProstateCancerC):
A big thank you to @TOMayorFord for proclaiming #ProstateCancer Awareness Month in #TO! Read the proclamation here:

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

All Aboriginals have Equal Rights

It's Not Negotiations Payments, It's Bribery Payments

Majority Aboriginals have been excluded by the AFN and AFN (eg barring resources by reserve assignment) laws to Aboriginal lands. Majority Aboriginals are pushed aside by AFN an a less costly, fewer beneficiary (eg Aboriginal disenfranchidement by AFN) payoff is decided.

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Another Network: Mental Health

Early! 40's

Rocco Rossi (roccorossiTO):
@nenshi Free PSA screening at the Trico Centre today! Please RT. #health #Calgary
RT @ProstateCancerC: @j_johntaylor Great to hear John.

Precisely why we've issued reco for baseline PSA test in early 40s. @CityNews @CitySaphia #KnowYourNumber

retweet of @HarryTucker tweet

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The Hill (thehill):
Tokyo selected to host 2020 Summer Olympics by @jmhattem

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Ubisoft (Ubisoft):
The open worlds of #AC4BlackFlag and #WatchDogs take center stage in today’s UbiBlog Weekly roundup >

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Rocco Rossi (roccorossiTO):
Prostate Cancer Canada Releases New Recommendations For PSA Testing

retweet of @EINProstate tweet

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Ontario Ombudsman (Ont_Ombudsman):
.@MaddieDiMuccio @LawScribes we don't have it. Ironically, report about secret mtgs still secret. Leaked to @SudburyStar

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Dr Rajiv K Singal (DrRKSingal):
Via @drjfrank #medstudentdisease during training? Not real but medstudents R getting older See @nytimeswell #meded

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Want to see a #TIFF2013 film? Fast, emotional, and always entertaining, BREAK LOOSE tickets are on sale

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ProstateCancerCanada (ProstateCancerC):
THX to #FortSask's Mayor @GaleKatchur for proclaiming Sept #ProstateCancer Awareness Month!

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Annoying Orange (annoyingorange):
HEY! Why did the cross-eyed teacher lose her job? She couldn't control her pupils! HAHAHA!!!

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Friday, September 6, 2013


Violence We Renounce

Not everyone does, like AFN, NDP,etc. ...because they endorse and use violence and threats of violence.

Most violence starts in the home, so, if you claim victimization, society is just going to wonder about potential violence the person may exercise on it - like suicides threatening others or domestics threatening others. Society doesn't exist to therapy.

There has been a lot of this in the news and we can only say what we've said before. No.

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NGO/CSO s Find Volunteer Opportunities Through Networks

Our guess is this is the same network that organizations like Peace Brigades and Makers find 'protection' work through community colleges,like George Brown overseas student placers and course work; including seminars, and provincial employee networks,possibly connected at the premiere level. We think this because of experiences with these networks and radicalization. In addition, there were 'consultants' hired by the AFN - INM faction. We're back with provinces affecting Aboriginal lives, most recently with provincial- AFN land and business grants.

Analysis and opinions aside, we'd wonder about the qualifications of the volunteer workers. Are they trained in any mental health disciplines? Are they certified by any medical community? Do they hold degrees and licenses to practice? Are they just psychology students or licensed psychiatrists? If they are being provided these volunteer worker placements to learn and report; where is the benefit to the community? Do they have enhanced background checks for working with vulnerable persons? What do they hope to learn from the AFN? Do they agree with AFN racial purity laws and disenfranchisement? Do we get to read their learning objectives and academic reports? Do they ascribe to special interest lobbies?

Experience dictates this is more a usary arrangement than an effort to help. The questions above are basics of international placements and we'd recommend a complete volunteer worker profile, like, for example; resumes, criminal background checks from their home countries, formal placing and learning agreements, memorandums of understanding for the placing agency and the AFN, volunteer worker expectations, description of service and work, scope of work, managerial heirarchy and authorities, recommendations for volunteer workers and placers, housing and hosting agreements, payment agreements, return to home country travel guarantees,funding agreements and sustainabilty,funder agreements,letters of intent and plans for work. These, once again, are basics of international volunteer placements.

Overseas teaching English sounds familiar.

Being familiar with this work and no transparent information being offered; we would place this on hold until, at least, the above fundamentals are created and published by the two parties and, possibly, the province - even if the role is just 'consultancy.'

This should be considered a professional warning.

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Aboriginal Service Organization

An Aboriginal service group can be organized to provide Aboriginals of all ages with service opportunities all over Canada. The service work can be from disaster planning, mitigatiin and remediation to working with the poor and low health service areas. It will have neefs to be met all over Canada allowing Aboriginals to meet others outside of AFN claimed territories. Being Indigenous and exercising rights to Canada. Pay for service should begin, at least, at minimum wage with a minimum of a year committment and educational, ideally four year university and bridging, credits. Preference in hiring for government jobs across Canada should be part of successful service. In the future international service opportunities can be found leading to foreign service work.

This is easily and inexpensively done. The US CNCS (e.g. Americorps/Vista) and the European service corps are examples of successful programs.

So, write the PMO and let's get started!

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

AFN is not an Aboriginal Representative or Administrator

AFN is the wrong entity to file. AFN is unaccountable to and for the Aboriginals AFN claims to represent. AFN is the biggest Aboriginal abuser in history and has disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals. AFN is also the minority. Consultations should have been opened to all Aboriginals.

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Majority Aboriginals not Consulted

Like Newfoundland and Labrador. How can Aboriginals be liable for these 'exploration' decisions and fees during an audit for compensation? If anything, the fees should be removed as a consideration.

Majority Aboriginals demand audits and compensations as we have, repeatedly, in the past.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Indigenous Persons - The Aboriginal Majority are not Proxy for Fascist Schemes

The NDP and their fascist assumption of any funds or jobs government would enjoy more control over government resources by inserting vote for develooment.The AFN has already treatied and voted.

Indigenous resources have always been used. It has always been - have you benefited? This makes AFN and NDP facsism with liberal corralling obvious.

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This is considered a noble and paying profession for Aboriginals.

Rather than the misery of experience, maybe break through concepts; like, a reserve life is a foreign one and you can protest what you are for eternity.... ?

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Keep It Sick - We Can Help

and get good jobs and funding doung it.

Much rather have usuable, healthy resources that don't require a claim and compensation for use of conversions.

Yes, this is an assertion to all lands and waters on Canada and 'preserved' indigenous peoples.

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Majority Aboriginal Too

CBC Top Stories (CBCNews):
Nunavut premier wants more power over resource development

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$84 Million in 1 Year - Gone, no Audit


Anyone ask after AFN's 'Citizens?'

Territory Based Program

This actually disriminates against Aboriginals as the AFN does; for example Aboriginals are banned by SFN and the provinces frim other AFN claimed lands and,others, AFN racial purity laws and AFN disenfranchisement.

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Who is the Land for?

Of the number, how many are no longer allowed on AFN lands and disenfranchised? The AFN is claiming on ghost 'citizens.'

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Requirements for 'Citizenship' and Voting?