for Indigenous peoples.
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Writing for the AFN, first nations, disenfranchised aboriginal majority⬅ ©2012-2017 (Attribution Required)
for Indigenous peoples.
This doesn't change what they are or what they've done - to Aboriginals, disenfranchising tens of thousands.
AFN might consider their racial purity laws.
A long walk. There are lots of excuses for them. Follow the migrations. To the coast and find reliable food. Weather.
The young AFNs who went on a walk, perhaps to learn what they are, found they needed permissions from AFN colonies to pass, but explained it was really trading routes and trap lines. Sounds familiar as the crowns grant more lands to their AFN.
Real Indigenous consultations must occur. It is too obvious we're fooling ourselves.
OntarioInnovation (OntInnovation): From interstellar space to the oldest genome sequenced, @DiscoverMag's Top 10 Science Stories 2013: #coolscience (Sent via Seesmic
CBC Top Stories (CBCNews): Is it a good time to be 'Indian?' (Sent via Seesmic
Including self harm like the AFN - INM threats. Violence and self harm. Hardly exempliary. Protecting the children.
Land claims and grants do harm to majority Aborginals by barring them from land that is, at least, equally theirs. Even other AFN Aboriginals are barred.
So, AFN can claim, seek grants and, apparently, do violence - as the other colonists who came before them. This doesn't change Indigenous lands. AFN 'reconciliation' is a fantasy for the few. The majority still waits.
Maybe all we need to know is 'these people' need to work, but can't because they are uneducated and living unhealthy lives. 'Those people' are, after all, a product of migrations like the AFN. Wait, that all sounds bad. Why? Migrations or were Indigenous people always damned by the great spirit...
Stiil here as the world struggles with their own revelations. What we always knew.
Indigenous Canadians have'nt changed in tens of thousands of years. We're still here. Still the same. Migration after migration. Successful colonies and migrations have called themselves First Nations, First governments, First civility, First culture, First great spirits and on.
The article proposes a newer 'arctic' theory, but, back to the year First Nations was formed, the genetic signature of Indigenous Canadians has been known. It is called Haplo group X. Immigrations usually are identified to about 3000 and, as we begin, again, defining what Indigenous means, migrations are being pushed to 15,000, like recent Indigenous discoveries. That facts won't change and we should not attempt to make Aboriginals something they're not even though compliance with familiar methods of settlement make this tempting. Indigenous losses have increased alarmingly in the last ten years, but nothing has changed. It is, now, just First Nations, as opposed to first or Indigenous peoples, making claims. This is a familiar pattern and method for settlement and seizing.....