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Writing for the AFN, first nations, disenfranchised aboriginal majority⬅ ©2012-2017 (Attribution Required)
Unless it's terrestrial martian life forms leaving mars before global warming disappeared mars' aptmosphere.......
AFN and Provincial greed. Insisting on control of assessment approval of projects that pay them and ordering environmental actions on those programs that don't pay them enough. This, coupled with payouts to the AFN, who claim to represent Aboriginals, but has been more successful at disenfranchising majority Aboriginals for more cash for fewr people - the easy and cheap way out for the crown and Aboriginals issues.
The only real change that was needed was direct benefits to Aboriginal pockets. This is actually more cost effective than paying out to Provinces, AFN and other third parties to 'benefit' Aboriginals. Before AFN territorial and Provincial greed the federal system was more effective only needing to move to direct benefit.
The only address now is an audit for direct benefit.
The oldest genetic artifacts in the US are 15,000 old and do not indicate the 'asian land bridge' theory. We wrote about this.
Whats missing is 'Siberian' markers as opposed to 'Asian,' which may be inclusive of each other and missing from 'Aboriginals in North America. First we have to determine what other markers are missing and, in the case of the 'land bridge' theory, whether or not the Aborinals sampled are Indigenous- from the first migration. In addition, 'Siberian marker' may not be excluive to a seperate, originating, European migration. The West Coast assumption is to include Haplo group x or first peoples migration in the 'land bridge' theory while Indigenous people were most probably all over North America before te 'land bridge' migratin and possibly interacting at the oasis from areas like the great lakes, depending on weather and food.
We need to know what the markers, like 'Siberian' and 'Asian,' are and their exclusivity to Indigenous first peoples, first migration.
It would be fair to federally distribute to each pocket rather than 'territorial groups.'
Groups like the AFN claim to represent Indigenous people, but are their oppressors. They use their 'governments' and parties to disenfranchise Aboriginals and Indigenous people. They are barred from lands by the AFN as they seize from crown grants.
The AFN is the minority and, often not representative in most ways of Indigenous people. The UN shouldn't deal with them as history is showing in, for example, AFN racial purity laws.
The more references I see the more this appears to be 'pop science.' This reference seems to propose that 'asian genetics' can be outbred over 10,000 years. Out of Beringia seems to be out of Asia. Geographic arguments are dismissed by the disappearing 'asian.' What we consider China, North of Russia.
It would seem more likely that out of Asia or Beringians met Indigenous 'North Americans' and genetics intermingled creating the more 'European' genetics and masking what we may consider 'Asian' genetics.
Since we all came out of Africa, usually considered North Africa to Europe, it would be strange that 'Asian' genetics would disappear or not present 10,000 years ago. If this is the route there would be asian traces in addition to European. Maybe space aliens landed gave these immigrations a lift on their space ship to North America after breeding genetics from space aliens?
Something the AFN is used and wants more of especially in education and health. More money to fewer people with no accountabiity. Instead its a Quebec example.
The best jobs are in government. A university education means more. Training can be more specific. More people participating in government making Canada fresh and vital in the world. We've proposed over the last 15 years government service opportunity. Government jobs should be no more than 3 year contracts that allow re application for more government work after the three years. For example, one could start with city parks and recreation, move to provincial environment files and, later, to foreign service. These jobs could go on for twenty years with breaks if wanted and transferred into pensions. Many more can serve rather than a city counil person, for example, serving for 50 years. The military is an example of government jobs offered to Aboriginals.
More Canadians serving in good work and pay. Opportunity.
The report, skewed by age requirements, is, once again, focused on AFN reserves. Majority Aboriginals have communities all over Ontario like Toronto and Thunder Bay. Majority Aboriginals seem to have been discounted because of AFN disenfranchisement. The sampling, 160, is ridiculously small.
'Urban Reserves' aren't for everybody and AFN racial purity and reserve exclusivity apply. This actually bars Aboriginals from the land, even other AFN Aboriginals. Parks are for everybody making deals with the AFN more palatable. AFN, like other first colonies, is following a federation tradition. National parks. Urban reserves have become common.
Indigenous Games? This seems to be a reference to UN rights definitions more than inclusive and diverse Indigenous people. In spite of land and other crowns grants to the AFN the games are exclusive, especially to AFN disenfranchised Indigenous people. The first migration and UN definition should be applied to the games to show what AFN racial purity laws really are; should you participate?
Not sure what they mean by Asia. Genetic theory pretty much has indigenous North Americans origin migration out of Africa, North into was is Russia stopping at China, 'refugium ing' at the Russian steppes and going left to North America. How is still a mystery, although many scientists find the 'land bridge' migration theory convenient.
The 'Beringians' sounds more like Atlantis. If 'Berigingia' had surfaced several times it would make more sense, bit scientists have completely discounted this in time constraints. It would also make more sense as an oasis for Indigenous North Americans and as a genetic meeting of Indigenous people and subsequent migrations.
The 'Beringia Standstill' theory makes sense for secondary migrations. This theory may be valid for Estonians, but the North American 'native genetics' are probably not indigenous from the origin migration. Where they Haplogroup X? We assume 'Asian genetics' were missing, but we would need to know others were missing too. mDNA and not mtDNA an indication of the age of the study?
There are other theories for the origin migration of Indigenous North Americans. South America. Canoes from Europe, like the UK. How and when did Indigenous North Americans get from 'Europe,' skipping 'Asia' genetics to North America? The 'land bridge' people seems only to accept secondary and recent migrations. It seems to explain North America as, originally, with lower water levels, as larger than once thought based on secondary migrations theories like the lost Beringia (ns). Maybe a movie........