Saturday, May 31, 2014


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Saturday, May 24, 2014

No Indigenous Consultations

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Leave Our Healthcare Alone!

Account for every Aboriginal on the 'band list.'

Doug Kelly (ChairFNHC): What's really needed is action on missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada (Sent via Seesmic

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Monday, May 19, 2014

No Escape

A neutral third party like a Deloitte firm, needs to audit AFN 'band lists' and find out what happened to AFN 'members.  We would take a close, hard look at the AFN disenfranchised murdered and imprisoned.  Third party special interest 'consultants' will just use - and end goal federal funding. Promises of monies and living in poverty are powerful motivators.  One reason we write is the actions of the AFN-INM faction work.  We believe their actions and work are detrimental to Aboriginals, more of trap than anything else.  We feel the same here.

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals - Indigenous DNA

Not Nat Geo.

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Nothing New, but Older...

The X Mystery.  12,000+ years or 36,000+ years in North America. As much as the last ice age land bridge, now a thriving colony, wants to be Indigenous.  It's not.

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Somewhat New Australian Theory

Well, when the earth was one, supposedly, North America and Africa were next to each other.

Some thoughts that the great lakes, like superior, were actually troughs pre last ice age.  Age of the bedrock and were the water flows north and south...                The genetics need to be published.  Genebase could probably explain.

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Nothing New, Even less

Nothing about genetics.  This is probably more questionable than the environmental and carbon dating.  Since the genetics aren't being published and morphology is being mentioned a lot, probably more a function of the doubting genetic assessment than pointing to the 'caveman' origins.  There is another theory that North American Indigenous people came up from south america, kind of pan gaeia, like Australia. No citations, but there are monkeys down there and some extinct species, especially birds, may have fallen to prey as the ancient humans ate their way north. Interesting the human artifact was found in Mexico, the lower portion of north america....

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Colonial Confederation

Based on education.  This is in the time line.  This seems more like the AFN-INM faction, although it's pointed to history.  Like the AFN treatying with other political parties, NDP Liberal leaders, this comes at a time both party leaders are 'running' for votes we do not cast.  This is par for the course with the AFN party.  AFN shoud control nothing, possibly exceting their reserve 'communities.'  Off reserve schooling should always be a paid alternative, like private schools and four year universities.

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Half An Investigation

Discounting, immediately, at least half the Aboriginal population is, at the least, unprofessional.  No criminal investigator would sign off on this investigation and neither can the government.  Strange culture....

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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nothing New, Different Writer

Migrations, morphology and hunters to farmers.  Sea Canoe taking risks from Europe.....

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Nothing New

Indigenous genetics go back 15,000+ years.  We don't buy into the 'outbreeding' theory.  We're all from Africa, not Asia.

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Indigenous People Don't Need the Provinces

Never did. The agreements have always been federal.  The recent deals with Provinces by AFN are a money and land grab scam.  This benefits a small percentage of Aboriginals.

Hayden King (Hayden_King): ...if court rules Ontario can continue on w/ business as usual, its a serious threat to Indigenous peoples (and the land) across country... (Sent via Seesmic

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Direct Fedetal Transfers to Each Aboriginal

Decisions can be made from there.  Private schooling would be an option.  As far as colonial confederation, it's in tje timeline.  Facts are most Aborinials don't live in AFN colonies having been disenfranchised by the AFN.  AFN confederation has a history of not funding disenfranchised Aboriginals.  The funds would be mismanaged and stolen.

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Friday, May 9, 2014

No Vote No Registration

The usual excuse is AFN doesn't want the disenfranchised voting.  Reserves are better examples.

Hayden King (Hayden_King): MT @christibelcourt Metis National Council is having elections. No one knows who is running. Metis cannot vote. 55 people will decide. (Sent via Seesmic

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Hayden King (Hayden_King): Does the Assembly of First Nations have a future? @CBCPolitics #FNEA #AFN @Hayden_King retweet of @CBC_Aboriginal tweet (Sent via Seesmic

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CBC News (CBCNews): Does the Assembly of First Nations have a future? (Sent via Seesmic

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AFN Marine Police

Barring Indigebous people, even if they are AFN.  The lands and waters resources are for all Indigenous people, not just AFN racial purity colonies

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AFN Police

Like most funding the AFN receives, their police forces seem to be mismanaged.  A money audit has to be done.  The AFN - INM faction also treatied as a party with the NDP and Liberal parties.  Liberal or NDP police force?

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Province Moves To Control 'Communites' Funds

This is obvious in Toronto with Ontario Ombudsman running municipal employees and the Wynne campaign.  Like the AFN INM faction giving away education, having got their money and moving onto each's particular special interest, AFN communities policing funds might also be moved to the provinces.  Much treatying and pleasing of AFN claims by Provinces. Social services provided by the provinces to AFN communities might be an indicator as well as provincial AFN health care moving to AFN.  Overall, it looks like premiers pleasing the NDP, which claims government funds and jobs including or disabling AFN funding and jobs.  None of this is really indigenous culture, but an imposition by all those involved, particularly the AFN, which has disenfranches tens of thousands of Aboriginals.

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Indigenous North Americans

No one's calculated the distance 8000 years ago, but this is a popular theory. It explains Indigenous genetics and non indigenous migrations. It doesn't, however, explain how we were here 15,000 + years ago based on human artifacts, ancestors, found and tested.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Half of Missing Murdered Aboriginals Cases Thrown Away By Secret Committee and RCMP

Solving half the problem.  To a professional investigator disregarding missing and murdered Aboriginals based on gender identification is ludicrous.  Yet, this committee, which meets in secret, finally publishing, has forced this.  This is wrong and discards at least half of murdered and missing Aboriginals. Strange culture.

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