Tuesday, June 17, 2014

AFN - INM Faction Treatying with and as political parties

We would wonder how Aboriginals who do not use treaty rights to expand the AFN and, along with their ancestors, do not believe in these treatyings with the Crown and treaties as basically irrelevent in Indigenous peoples rights, particularly lands and waters usage claims.  The claims are as simple as breathing.  The AFN, now acting more as a political party special interest as any colony in the past might have sought and received land grants from the Crown, being more modern fitting with provincial crowns politics and powers superceding federal government.

What's very important is to understand is AFN granted land bars usage by Aboriginals, even AFN force claimed Aboriginals.  This is illegal.  This is wrong.  This is the AFN racial purity colonies superceding their race claimes based on AFN crown grants.  It's not good enough to pass AFN racial purity laws. An Indgenous person must also be assigned by AFN to a particular AFN controlled territory.  This is as simple as the AFN disenfranchisement a majority of Aborginals have been under since the inception of the AFN, except it is usually felt twice now by Aboriginals and those others Canadians and provincial governed.

We always knew this.

Entitling colonies by the Crown is how much of Canada was formed. AFN calls this treatying, but there are modern Indigenous people who see the irrelevence of AFN treatying and AFN claims to Aboriginal historic treaties because there ancestors never subscribed to treatying.  In modern times we understand what we are; certainly not people from an AFN racial purity colony attacking for grants from the crowns.  We have always been here, are still here and always used the lands and waters throughout Canada.  British colonies or AFN colonies, both seek to limit this.  This has become obvious to Canadians as they are barred from canadian and provincial usage by the AFN inconcert with the second, costing Aboriginals even more.

Screaming AFN racism makes as much sense as screaming NDP or liberal racism.  AFN racial purity?

Maybe a lesson on treatying and who never subscribed - many Indigenous people because this makes no sense......

'You grew up in a foreign way and in an AFN racial purity colony.........'


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Monday, June 16, 2014

Salmon All Over North America

The Indigeous Ancestors 15,000+ years ago found on the California Coast wouldn't be surprised.

CBC News Community (CBCCommunity): California drought forces salmon to hitch ride to Pacific Ocean http://www.cbc.ca/1.2676435 http://pic.twitter.com/ZbTpaQsXlU http://twitter.com/CBCCommunity/status/478741373055942656 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Traditional Lands are Canada

Not AFN reserve assignments or trap and trade.  Every time Canadian governments grants lands to the AFN those governments and the AFN bar the majority of Indigenous peoples, even those fored with AFN afiliation, from those lands.


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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Just Another AFN Racial Purity Colony

Many call this a vacation camp or camping......  Vacamping?  All good here.........

CBC News: A remote First Nation community in northern Ontario is inviting Canadians to visit for a one-of-a-kind vacation. Up to 50 visitors can be accommodated and will experienced the Ojicree people’s traditional activities such as fishing, canoeing and medicine picking. http://www.cbc.ca/1.2672312 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Monday, June 9, 2014

'Ate Their Way North' Theory

See timeline.  Sorry no citations.


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Might Start with Being Born Into An AFN Racial Purity Colony

and these AFN colonies could not be more foreign to Indigenous Canadians.  Federal governments and companies should not do business with the AFN.  It is wrong and they know it.  What happens when one doesn't meet an AFN colony's AFN racial purity laws?  Must the parents.  Must the children.

Doug Kelly (ChairFNHC): Ex-judge urges national strategy on aboriginal child welfare http://fw.to/K33fE1E #bcpoli #bcpoverty #worstinca #cdnpoli http://twitter.com/ChairFNHC/status/476107387477053440 retweet of @FirstCallBC tweet (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Solving Half the Problem...


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We Aren't Allowed To Vote

There's no 'making sure' or 'that sort of thing' guarantee in federal law.  The answer here may be forced on reserve living and 'promoting' AFN racial purity laws.  Seems like another teacher promoting special interests and working around major issues.


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