Friday, August 29, 2014

Indigenous People Ranged All NA and this 'New World'

Sounds like Haplogroup X mystery..... just much more recent.  Failed colonies overridden by new ones.  A lot of people wonder more about Vikings.

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Status Card?

Represents the failure of the federal government and the ability of others groups, like greedy Provincial premiers, to take advantage of AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals as the AFN has; of course Aboriginals end up in major cities for social services and health care.  Greedy Provinces have room for more AFN based funding to 'help' Aboriginals.  Everyone wants more money that should bve going directly into each Aboriginals' pocket.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

Aboriginal Never Needed or Wanted Premiers

They have done more collaborating with AFN to destroy Aboriginal resources use and erode what have always been federal rights - why a gender identification lobby targets Aboriginals for use.

Any investigator will tell you discounting an investigation based on gender identification is impossible and not in vogue anymore anyway.  AFN.

Premiers are unelected taxing and spending appointments.  Premiers should never be involved with Aboriginals - pure greed.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Gender Based Inquiry

Any investigator woukd oppose discounting based on gender.  Ridiculous to ask.  Our time line offers some indicators as to why.........

CP24 (CP24): Harper on wrong side of history in opposition to aboriginal inquiry: Trudeau (Sent via Seesmic

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

The AFN Doesn't Represent Majority Aboriginals

Consult with the majority, not violent AFN factions or the AFN.  The Provinces are giving land grants to the AFN.  The AFN communities practice racial purity and ban Aboriginals from resources. 

Be responsible and consult with the majority.


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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Marriage Outside The Colony Is Illegal

End AFN racial purity laws, then maybe address the squatting.  In the past this was sloved based on colonial religion.  AFN claims all this.  Corrective actions are obvious.

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

It's Indigenous Lands and Seas

Not Mowhawk or Totem colonial claims granted by the crowns.  Perhaps these would be polite and stop squatting?

CBC News Community

(CBCCommunity): Kahnawake seeks to remove non-Mohawks from territory (Sent via Seesmic

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Monday, August 11, 2014


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The AFN Party Treatied With The Liberal And NDP Parties

Roughly 50% of Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN.  Each Aboriginal must be reached directly outside the AFN.  Aboriginal consultations.

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Saturday, August 9, 2014

No Indigenous Consultation

A Canadian county wide query, rather than excusing the AFN as representative is the answer here, but stalling, with or without the AFN, appears to behoove Canada.  The AFN has over the last few years attempted to disprove that most AFN Aborhinals on, for example, the west coast AFN colonies, are just the result of recent, say, at most, 5,000 years, migrations rather than Indigenous, which have proven ancestors back 15,000 years+.  These recent AFN efforts, in fact, allow a Russian claim that can be presented to the UN and, judging by the UN's AFN bias, will approve the Russian claims based on recent migrations. 

Too late?  Not for the AFN, which can only benefit from the Russian claims, unless the Russians insist on dealing with actual Indigenous peoples, many disenfranchised by the AFN.  Conflict is the request by Canada and their solution,, so we wait, as we have for thousands of years.

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Saturday, August 2, 2014


Aboriginal Affairs (ONAboriginal): We are all treaty people. Retweet to spread the word. #1764TreatyofNiagara #TreatyON (Sent via Seesmic

Faster than a pizza.

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