Well, Santa ranges there as his ancestors did 10's of thousands of years as weather and food and shelter changed.......
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Writing for the AFN, first nations, disenfranchised aboriginal majority⬅ ©2012-2017 (Attribution Required)
Well, Santa ranges there as his ancestors did 10's of thousands of years as weather and food and shelter changed.......
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Some provinces refuse to pay oil taxes for 'trickledown.' Lately, provinces and the AFN have vast land and resource grabs in provincial crown greed. Not bad thieving from 1985 incept.
AFN has already cleansed majority Aboriginals who are further disenfranchised and barred from lands and seas by AFN - provincial grants greed.
So, do the audit now and compensate each Aboriginal directly. This is a hundred year plan. Paying of minority AFN colonies was neverthe answer and everyone knows it.
Be responsable. Why deal with AFN racial purity andforce others to? Everyone knows this is wrong......
Provincial greed. Each Aboriginal should be compensated for resources, regardless of banning by provinces and the AFN.
AANDC (AANDCanada): See how new rules protect First Nations families and individuals' matrimonial property rights on reserve. Info: http://ow.ly/G0W9o http://twitter.com/AANDCanada/status/545004505314902016 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)
Good time to consult with North American Indigenous people. Been here for 10 s of thousands of years. Don't believe in the AFN racial purity.
AANDC (AANDCanada): Deadline extended to Dec 31 for your input to reform comprehensive claims policy. Contribute here: http://ow.ly/FOuLB http://twitter.com/AANDCanada/status/543873085792075777 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)
This is the AFN party elite appointing a leader, like a provincial premier. Ask an AFN assigned aboriginal last time they voted on a chief.....
CBC News (CBCNews): Polls close as Assembly of First Nations vote for new leader http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/polls-close-as-assembly-of-first-nations-vote-for-new-leader-1.2866977 http://pic.twitter.com/9Wb4Z24KmV http://twitter.com/CBCNews/status/542789642182205441 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)
Isn't one. If your willing to accept AFN racial purity laws your special interest lobbies aren't.......desperate for help.
Although the AFN can be...... a preferred fascist tool...
same with AFN.
Aboriginal Affairs (ONAboriginal): Treaties cover all of Ontario, and we are all treaty people. Join the conversation w/ #TreatyON. Pls RT! http://twitter.com/ONAboriginal/status/542359305862004736 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)
Aboriginal Affairs (ONAboriginal): Today is the 222nd anniv of Treaty 3 (1792). Incl. the land btwn Lake Ontario & Lake Erie. #TreatyON #HamOnt #Guelph http://pic.twitter.com/AeajTCyOk5 http://twitter.com/ONAboriginal/status/541623331859222528 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)