Friday, September 25, 2015

I thought 'old stock' meant First People, like Indigenous Canadian First Peoples...

Well, can't be right cuz I'd disenfranchise most of the AFN.  Can't do that.  Crowns say they're Aboriginals and must be dealt with...

You Said it was a cultural thing....

Well, I guess this 'expert' at Ryerson needed something to do.  A reason for the job at the school.  Most Aboriginals aren't interested in AFN governance because they get no benefit anyway.  They're AFN disenfranchised.  The real answer is that the AFN doesn't represent most Aboriginals.  This person we'd have to pigeon hole as a 'community,' 'territorial' AFN member, not necessarily by choice, but wanting to survive.  Pretty risky speaking up, asking for better for all in the community only to be put down by 'it's all AFN' party 'governmental structures' that must interact with the horrible and mean federal government 'Indian' Act people.

Harper was right.  We need to count every penny sent to the AFN.  Don't complain when there are no programs, money gone and all the Aboriginals end up at the provinces' doorsteps again....

So, what happened to the AFN assumption of Aboriginal healthcare in BC?

Never happened?  Spent the money on Shaman and exotic health spas?  We need to audit the AFN and where all that health care money went.  In most provinces Aboriginal healthcare is pretty much the same as regular provincial healthcare.  Not sure why we're all of a sudden calling on the federal government when the AFN and provinces, BC, agreed to take over AFN healthcare.  Palliative?  The best the provinces can usually do is a medical specialist visitor, not expensive and delicate equipment one would find in  a hospital.  Most hospices are located near hospitals for obvious reasons.  End of life care.  So, why didn't AFN invest in these if this is a priority?

The Natures Of Things......

Well, saw that show last nigh on CBC.  It seemed to promise an explanation of the supposed difference between a pacific (Polynesian) immigration and the land/ice/arctic bridge theory we've heard about for 50 years.  It didn't bother addressing the haplo group x genetic migration to North America as the first peoples, indigenous north Americans.  In fact,  the surprised anthropologist (not a migration genetist travelled to Russia to get confirmation that, indeed, everyone came from Russia, not China, to be the first north Americans.  This all seems acted into resource claims that Canadians reject, but accept; if pacific/Polynesian.  Well, all this has been moot for about 15,000 years.  The main theory of Canada's Indigenous First Peoples is reinforced by Honda's political portrayal of migrations.  It makes a lot more sense that we came from Europe from islands that were extended, like Ireland and Scotland, while the seas were lower and the famous currents between Europe and North America were stronger (just follow the lobster, etc.).   Nature whould seem to dictate a hop across the pond, possibly 'somewhat' like the Polynesians in the Pacific rather than a much longer and much colder path from Russia/ steps, Sino Russia all the way around to north America.  The genetics, anyway, can't explain the path because no one bothers to put forth this theory, which is the only real explanation for the first peoples of north America out of Africa.  It could have been space aliens ships......


Thursday, September 24, 2015

These Lands Were Inhabited By Indigenous Canadian First Peoples

long before, about 15,000 years +, any new migrations, colonies. 

Why not ask us?

How The AFN Disenfreanchises Aboriginals

Sounds like a set up to me.  Most Aboriginals are banned after the police intervene.  'Undesirables.'  More money for AFN fewer people.  Usually the police do this, but maybe they don't want to be a tool in AFN manipulation of what it is to be Aboriginal, AFN disenfranchisement.  The 'undesirables' are still Aboriginal, but not allowed on AFN lands and seas claims.  In the original 'European' colonies these were Catholics or Protestants, sinners or some other excuse to ban from the colony.  Certain death.

The AFN should not be in charge of the 'communities' it claims.  No court, no trial, just banishment and an attempt to strip the 'undesirable' Aboriginals of their identity.  Well,  most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN claimed lands and seas resources and still maintain their identity.  Used to be no or horrible housing was the AFN excuse.  Newer,  more media palatable excuses for AFN banning Aboriginals, disenfranchising Aboriginals from their identity, lands and seas resources and monies from outside the AFN and help outside the AFN colonies, especially financial.  'We gave money to the AFN for that........'

Decision Makers Aren't Elected, They're Policial Appointmens of The Party Elite, Like Premiers

AFN party is no different,  No vote where it counts.  The AFN needs to open up to voting for national and other 'chiefs' or political party  leaders of the AFN.  AFN following previous colonies footsteps, especially with provinvial crowns, premiers, leads to a vote that is not a vote, but a political party elite appointment, like chiefs or premiers.  Once again, this is no vote.

AFN is following a cash machine that pays out the very few at the AFN and ignores completely the AFN disenfranchised Aboriginal majority.

Majority Aboriginals Aren't AFN

and won't identify with the AFN party.  So, Canadians insist on dealing with the AFN few while the majority Aboriginals are ghosts.  Monies and now politics.  Maybe official material shouldn't identify Aboriginals as AFN.  Canadian Aboriginals is sufficient?

Mohawks Unite With AFN

Seems confusing that these lands are claimed.  Well, it's the AFN claiming these lands and seas as 'communities.'  Like the colonies before them the AFN has been given lands and seas claims by the crowns even accepting provincial crown authorities.  This is done as 'communities' or 'towns.'  Any community or town can choose to try and stop developments.  So, why are AFN 'communities' so special.  They're not.  The only difference is that AFN claims tens of thousands of Aboriginals that the AFN has disenfranchised making few the number of payouts.  The AFN is cheaper.  It accepts all crowns authorities and lands and seas grants.  Colonies did the same and then united under confederation with provinces.  The AFN is hoping for the same deals and systems, like parliamentary political elite appointments , like premiers, who exercise taxing and spending over large numbers of people based on the territories, provinces.

The AFN, just like the other colonies before them, has claimed lands and seas through crowns grants and has barred majority Aboriginals from those.  This has to be addressed.  Just because the media chooses to report only 'non Aboriginal banning' by the AFN doesn't mean that AFN barring of Aboriginals from AFN claimed lands and seas is not happening or less important.  All Aboriginals need to vote.  Most may be for progress with compensation, but the AFN will still claim lands and seas grants from the crowns as 'communities' and bar others, especially other Aboriginals.  So, majority Aboriginals don't see much hope here as they did with the colonies preceding the AFN colonies.  All's we can do is complain and hope that in the future we are made whole.

The AFN shows no promise of equality for Aboriginals they claim and have been disenfranchised by the AFN.  This should stop all forced dealings with the AFN by crowns and companies.  You'll pay twice and even more than could have been compensated if Canadians weren't forced to deal with the AFN party.  We questions the liberal and NDP parties dealings with the AFN party, which the AFN has made special treaties with through the AFN-INM faction.  Majority Aboriginals aren't going away and will have to be dealt with once the parties have stopped making deals.

Monday, September 21, 2015

AFN Veto Powers

Well, strange considering like parliaments there is no vote with most Aboriginals and the AFN.  Crowns (lately provincial) lands and seas grants to the AFN is the same as crowns grants to colonies a couple of hundred years ago.  Both gave lands and seas to colonies from the crowns powers.  Both bar most Aboriginals, identified as AFN and assigned to or not, from using lands and seas resources where the grants have been given by the crowns. 

There is no such thing as 'traditional territories' for Canadian Indigenous First Peoples, regardless of AFN, and before the the 'European' colonies, lands and seas grants from the crowns, Canaidian Indigenous First Peoples ranged freely all over North America.  Where they were found, trap lines, or other ways of assigning territories to Canadian Indigenous First Peoples are irrelevant and disregarded.

First, Canadian Indigenous First Peoples need a vote,

Sunday, September 20, 2015

AFN Racial Purity Accepted Internationally

Seems that no one has defined what an AFN Aboriginal is; but, you can bet the decision is made using AFN racial purity laws.

Explain Your Vision

AFN won't.  Now it just asserts it's more than just a party, now, on both provincial and federal levels, that represents AFN 'communities' or lands and seas AFN claims.  'First Nations peoples?'  Not sure who these are, bu they're sure not the AFN disenfranchised majority Aboriginals.  I guess AFN visions were claiming Aboriginals beyond AFN claimed lands and seas, but the AFN doesn't really represent these, much less the majority of Aboriginals disenfranchised by the AFN.

The only thing that makes sense here is AFN is following the footsteps of the colonies before them.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Real Answer Is To Cut Off The Money To AFN

They only steal the monies provided or benefit a very few who live on their reserves or 'territory' or 'community.'  Since most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and forced out; money, lands and seas grants have flown in large volumes to the AFN from the provincial crowns or unelected premiers - political appointees of the party elite - to the few in number / large in $ digesting AFN.  Federal has been pretty quiet, but won't address the AFN claims to the rights to ban aboriginals from AFN lands and seas claims.  This shold be obvious.

AMC Represents Who...?

'...largest Indigenous political advocacy & rights protection organization,...'

Well, first off not sure that provincial borders apply to Indigenous, being the First Peoples of North America, or Aboriginal, being groups that make longer term lands and seas claims than 'Europeans' and possibly 'Vikings,' persons.  First Peoples have never given in to territorial claims, like treatying with provinces for lands and seas, by AFN or provincial crowns.  The AFN needs to really define who they are with Turdeau lumping everyone together under the AFN - the mistakes of many preimiers. Forcing people to deal with the AFN is also a PM mistake.

Well, we reject the AFN - AMC faction as we did the AFN - INM (Idle No More).  They do not reperesent the majority, probably greater than 90%, of Aboriginals for whom we write.

We need PMs and Premeirs acknowledging Majority Aboriginals, not the micro minority AFN land and seal claiming, fewer to pay/less cost.  Majority Aboriginals also need a vote for premiers and PMs as well as AFN party reps.  Majority Aboriginals have been passed over for too long with the endorsement of goverment fascist parliamentary appointments; fooling the world into thinking Canada and the AFN is a democracy.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Why No Aboriginal AFN Voting?

Since it treatied as a political party there is only one, the AFN.  In addition, AFN has never asked for Aboriginal votes.  Like provinces, premiers, the AFN doesn't believe in voting for leaders, like permeirs (who tax and spend as they see fit based on partly elite appointment), but do great business with the provinces.  Majority Aboriginals, disenfranchised by the AFN, have been written off by the AFN and weren't wanted by the AFN to begin with; so, it's just 'the community,' meaning the reserve, which  has moved majority Aboriginals away, stealing monies for themselves at a greatly reduced number of beneficiaries.  Great cost reduction deal for the AFN and premiers.

So, AFN, how about a vote from the band lists?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Maybe It's Because It Says AFN Party

to AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals.  We're not AFN and won't respond to it.  Most Aboriginals won't respond to anything AFN. 

Your survey is better off on the net, allowing all Aboriginals to respond without having to deal with the AFN.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Aboriginal Males “disposable” and “tossed away” by society, AFN, Provincial Premiers, NDP and LIberals

Half the problem isn't the whole solution. 

Who will be made 'Whole'?

Homo Naledi Nearly 3 Million Year Roots; Of Or Not Human?

Separate branch?  The South African artifacts discoveries chosen to be released this week by certain discoverers really asks; 'What's human?'  The same question is sometimes asked about Indigenous North Americans - The First Peoples.  First Nations might have another genetic challenge here as these millions of years old peoples had a culture, buried their dead and order.  It will take years to work all this out as the public was chosen to informed this week. 

Haplo Group X, the First  Indigenous Peoples of North America, also had the argument made that they're 'not human,' but this has faded with reason.   The question is how did they get here before all the other immigrations like Polynesia and land bridges for Aboriginals?  Still unsolved most agree the First North Americans are humans and not of Asian origins.  Across the pond from Europe seems to be the easiest answer. 

After over a year of writing does it seem outrageous that Indigenous Peoples of North America were here well over 15,000 years ago?  No, not anymore.  So, maybe we can examine artifacts that AFN claims and does not allow genetic testing.  AFN may be holding our ancestors hostage.....

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What Monies? Where? We Didn't Get Any

Kings and Queens

While these recent migrations claim lands and seas, like the colonies before them, they deny resource usage to most Aboriginals.  Barred just like the colonies seizing lands and seas for the crowns.  Among other theories of recent migrations is that these migrants came not from the 'land bridge,' but form Polynesia, like Hawaii.  The totems, art and ruling elite structure is basically unchanged.  Whether the land bridge and adopting royalty from England or from Polynesia with existing royalty, 'hereditary chiefs,' no one seems to be able to explain the actual Indigenous people of Canada, genetically, haplo group X.  Well, until science figures out how the First Peoples, haplo group X, got here well over 15,000 years ago maybe we should consider ourselves Irish.  'There's a little bit of Irish in all of us ; ).

Fifty Percent Of The Problem Is Not The Answer

'Who is this person?'  The AFN, like the premiers (see previous article on timeline), agendas are discriminatory.  Truth and reconciliation?  This is a waste of fifty present.  Males are discarded, unconsidered, even by law enforcement and the secret committee that handles these issues.

Do you really want the AFN and premiers to represent you?  Truth is no one is elected, but appointed by the party political elite, even AFN party 'leaders.'  Truth is the AFN 'represents' a very small and less expensive number of Aboriginals.  Most they have been disenfranchised by the AFN - and some by the premiers - as they are now doing with gender discrimination.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

'Joint Government'

Well, since we're in the middle of an 'election' where non of the Premiers are elected, but appointed by the party elite, this seems like Parliament 'majority' and 'minority' etc.  So, who's the Premier, the provincial government dealing with anyway?  Foremost, not majority Aboriginals disenfranchised by the AFN.  No acknowledgement that Canada's Indigenous people live all over Canada and ran, migrated, etc. regardless of confederations and provinces.  Good reasons enough.  Less stake holders acknowledged and paid off.  No bothersome federal issues, which is what Indigenous people are; but no mention that the AFN is a political party evidenced by the AFN - INM faction treatying with the NDP and Liberal leaders (who aren't elected either).   Seems like a good steel all around.  Later, of course, there's 'too many chiefs and not enough indians.'

'The highest court' seems federal and so should be the mandate.  All Indigenous people need to participate.  A vote can be done on the internet in 1 minute.  So, why mention the spectre of a vote on issues?  Well, maybe we'll get away from the appointees of the political elite, like premiers who tax and spend us without a vote, and get to the real issues that are mostly federal for Aboriginals with real votes instead of strange predilections and agendas of premiers that feel their appointment by the political elite is an entitlement.  AFN should feel the fire....

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Mrs. Universe Never Voted For the AFN

AFN Doesn't Really Represent Anyone

Most Aboriginals are disenfranchised.  So, when the government calls them on financial responsibility no one is uncertain about the outcome.  The government needs to look at who and how many Aboriginals are benefiting from the hundreds of millions and lands and seas grants.  Maofority Aboriginals are waiting for the government to acknowledge that what's given to the AFN really doesn't benefit Aboriginals.

AFN Confuses Voting; For Everyone

Not sure why the chief is all excited about voting.  The AFN doesn't really allow Aboriginals to vote.  It could be easy using the band list, but not everyone is wanted.  Those, the majority of Aboriginals, that have been disenfranchised by the AFN aren't wanted.  So, no voting notices or even an acknowledgement of the right for every Aboriginal to vote for the AFN representatives.  The AFN, now a political party after making agreements with the Liberal and NDP federal parties through their AFN INM faction, really doesn't believe in democracy.  Like provinces during confederation, the AFN does more political elite party appointing, like provincial premiers with whom the AFN has made many lands and seas grants.  If the AFN had a vote it would be considered equity in the Canadian Parliamentary system.  No real vote.  Like a premier who taxes and spends the citizenry at the parties behest or their own strange predilections or agendas - something to which the AFN can attest.  The AFN and the other political parties seem happy with the arrangement.  A few, elite AFN party members claiming to represent hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals who have no say in the governing or where all those hundreds of million and land and seas grants go.

It's like all this was planned, like confederation.  Gee, maybe it's not so confusing.