Friday, February 28, 2014

SOA Arctic and Antarctic

China Xinhua News (XHNews): Members of 30th Chinese Antarctic expedition team unload goods at Zhongshan Antarctic Station (Sent via Seesmic

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Doesn't makes sense to live on ground in a cold, flat and scrubby environment.  If they had fire they could melt the earth and live below ground.  Large mamal bones provide excellent protien rather than fire fuel.  There may have been other food sources like fish.
The genetics posited reflect a multiple 'land bridge' migration theory as 'asian' genetics bred out over time.  This is just a theory and not the best one.  If we go with out breeding 'asian' genetics we may be discounting the original Indigenous migratiin and its origins other than 'land bridge.'

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Thursday, February 27, 2014

No Indigenous Consultation

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There Before We Arrived

Natives, Aboriginals.  Indigenous people are the first migration.  Genetically, secondary migrations usually do make contributions.

The land bridge theory only validates that migratins may have occurred.  The idea that indigenous people survived recent 'ice ages' is common and scientists look for validation.  Ths theory tries to excuse the dificulty of genetic and other artifacts around 10,000 years.  It does not explain indigenous genetic artifacts on the Calfornia coast at 15,000 years plus.  Rather than focusing on validating migrations other than indigenous and 'ice age' survival, although very interesting, the research should focus on actual indigenous people.  The great lakes always were home to indigenous people long before secondary migrations, 'ice ages, and 'land bridges.'  More interesting might be the 'ice age oasis' where indigenous people survived siberian and polar vortices cold - the current expressions of the 'ice ages.'  The 'land bridge oasis' could be further investigated as the meeting of indigenous people and migrations meeting, probably more popular from cultural perspectives than boring genetics.  Maybe a movie.....

Secondary migrations are recent and not indigenous and the 'land bridge' theory needs to be expressed from an indigenous perspective rather than post indigenous migrations.

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Monday, February 24, 2014

'High Artic' '800,000 Years'


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Friday, February 14, 2014


The Hill (thehill): Kerry to create Arctic envoy by @JPecquetTheHill (Sent via Seesmic

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Recent Migrations

Any scientist would be skeptical.  The paper mentiins genome sequenced ties to a migration based on non human artifacts dating and human artifact associated dating with no mention of haplo group, but ties to what mention consider indigenous peoples or 'clovis culture' in what we consider still fairly recent dates.  We pay attentiin at 15,000 + human artifact actual human genome sequencing or 'Genetic Archeology.' 

We recommend an actual scientific study and publication and disposition by actual indigenous persons rather than risky science and hiding of artifacts under mystery and illusion of culture.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

De Evolving - Trades

Tony Clement (TonyclementCPC): Bill C-15 Northwest Territories Devolution Act-Report Stage passes the Commons 279 to 2. #cdnpoli (Sent via Seesmic

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Canadian National Resource Audit

We don't think the audit for direct benefits should be based on Premiers, 'lobbying' for extractors or planning to circumvent or cost an audit that hasnt been done.  This reminds of a Province that, a few months ago, reaffirmed its claims and refusal to pay federal taxes on Indigenous resource use.

The audit is simple and can be payed out in a month.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

AFN Racial Purity Blackmail

CBC Health News (CBCHealth): Indian status card delays impact health-care access (Sent via Seesmic

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CBC News (CBCNews): BREAKING | Provinces' counter-offer to Canada Job Grant, obtained by Radio-Canada, includes 2-yrs review #hw #cdnpoli retweet of @susanamas tweet (Sent via Seesmic

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

AFN Racial Purity

I don't think AFN reserves are Aboriginal.  Many refer to them as cages.

Maybe we shouldn't take advantage reprinting AFN's response to their 'delicate issue.'

A walk is a nice idea.

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AFN Claims and Provinces

The AFN has recently chosen land and waters claims depending on Provinces to grant the lands and waters.  This subverted majority Aboriginals and their equal claims, regardless of AFN 'communities' and claims.  Resource use should be federal and a direct benefit to Aboriginals.  Of course, this would cut out the AFN and Provinces large percetage of Aboriginal benefits.  The federal government's response makes sense to majority, AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals, excepting no direct cash benefits to each Aboriginal that the AFN, Provinces and NDP would like to divert.  Eventually there will have to be a federal audit of resource use and compensation to each Aboriginal.  Wait majority Aboriginals out and grab cash and jobs as they go away.......

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'Enhanced' AFN Welfare

The original goals were to cut off Aboriginals from welfare, further marginalize and disenfranchise.  'Undesireables' out of AFN communities.  Fortunately, most Aboriginals don't live in AFN communities, but have been forced out into cities.  The enhancement seems to be more of a services hiring program to 'help' Aboriginals off of welfare.  This money should be the direct benefit.  In Ontario, for example, half the direct welfare benefit is diverted from the recipients pockets. It is federal, but the Provinces want there cut of direct welfare benefits.  Cities also rely on the diversion of direct benefits for housing, hosteling and other 'services.'

The payors are also relying on AFN racial purity laws and lands claims, citing geographic communities like on reserve.  Age discrimination has been epidemic by the Canadian governments, spilling over to AFN funding.

As a federal program, Aboriginals should be allowed to apply and be hired anywhere in Canada, without AFN and Provincial restrictions.

This is an old game in non AFN communities.

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AFN and Mining Companies Partner to Bar Indigenous Workers

These new corporations will bar majority Aboriginals from working in this resource sector using AFN racial purity laws, claims and Provincial excusing.  Majority Aboriginals should be encouraged to apply without restriction.

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Sea and Land Rights

All Indigenous people have equal rights to harvesting of sea resources.  The AFN can't bar them.  The Provincial, Federal and AFN games might result in the AFN attempting to bar Indigenous people just as the Provinces assert claims with the Federal government.

The use of resources is the same for all Indigenous people regardless of colonial AFN, Provincial and Federal claims.!/ccomment

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