Saturday, February 1, 2014

'Enhanced' AFN Welfare

The original goals were to cut off Aboriginals from welfare, further marginalize and disenfranchise.  'Undesireables' out of AFN communities.  Fortunately, most Aboriginals don't live in AFN communities, but have been forced out into cities.  The enhancement seems to be more of a services hiring program to 'help' Aboriginals off of welfare.  This money should be the direct benefit.  In Ontario, for example, half the direct welfare benefit is diverted from the recipients pockets. It is federal, but the Provinces want there cut of direct welfare benefits.  Cities also rely on the diversion of direct benefits for housing, hosteling and other 'services.'

The payors are also relying on AFN racial purity laws and lands claims, citing geographic communities like on reserve.  Age discrimination has been epidemic by the Canadian governments, spilling over to AFN funding.

As a federal program, Aboriginals should be allowed to apply and be hired anywhere in Canada, without AFN and Provincial restrictions.

This is an old game in non AFN communities.

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