Monday, June 8, 2015

'Putting The Indian Back Into The Child'

In the comments section. 

So, what is an Aboriginal student?  Do they have to pass AFN racial purity standards?  Can anyone go there if they identify as Aboriginal?  Why not, self identifying for other programs is acceptable.  So, will the teaching be based on AFN party's idea of what Aboriginal is; are these really indigenous and should the teaching reflect the scientific realities of North American Aboriginals?  Will they be teaching about the colonies' Great Spirit?  Dancing?  AFN seizures of Aboriginal lands and seas, denying Aboriginals access?  Racial purity based on 'mothers and fathers' 'traditional claims?'  Migrations and first peoples based on the original migration out of Africa?  DNA scientific evidence of first peoples and recent colonizations?.........

The curriculum should be published on the internet after open Aboriginal consultations on the material, available for internet courses and open government?  If the crowns are serious about education it should be available on the internet, no hiding what is being taught, unlike Ontario's 'revamping' of Wynne's Sex Education Curriculum

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