This sounds like a church election or AFN (which is a political party) electing at 'traditional chief' based on family lineage or royalty; depending on if your count the last leader of the AFN who based his rule on being 'The King of the Indians.'
None of this existed under Indigenous life until we started with that 'Great Spirit' and 'spirited animals' stuff for the 'Westerners.' Dances and taking circles. Headdresses and treaties....
In any case, this shows how the AFN representing very few of the Aboriginal population and even disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Indians of lands and seas grants from the provinces. No one is really elected. Premiers are political appointees of the party elite. No one voted for them, but they tax and spend citizens just like the AFN chiefs do - even without a band list vote. The few controlling the monies of government to the few, without a vote.
Thew new authority shouldn't have a matriarchal or patriarchal system with any voting based on AFN racism, purity and 'traditional (meaning lands and seas grants)' territories based on same.
The 'authority' should be a national Aboriginals vote outside the AFN. This can be done on the internet in five minutes with the resource use monies generated going to each Aboriginal's pocket outside the AFN.
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