It's supposedly a 'cultural thing' too. Well, it's obvious at the individual chapter level where a few AFN 'reprentatives,' political party elite, often an appointees, and a few members that are not 'undesireable' and AFN disenfranchised, share Aboriginal incomes and resource lands and seas grants from the provinces and federal assistance.
So, considering, especially recently, that the few AFN aboriginals have stolen majority Aboriginal incomes from the provinces by reflecting a crown / colonies relationship towards AFN confederation, why not open up the AFN benefits to all Aboriginals federally, much less provincially? Pretty sure it's greed, AFN stealing again, just as the other colonies before them. Crowns happy they pay off only a very few.
There's other considerations to AFN greed. Many AFNs aren't even first peoples. Recent migrations. AFN racial purity laws. AFN 'culture,' like AFN 'hereditary chiefs' as the AFN PM. We call those kings and queens in Polynesia. Nothing indigenous about those....
Check our timeline.
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