Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Police Used To Disenfranchise 'Undesirable' Aboriginals From AFN Claims And Crowns Grants

Most communites provide and pay their police, fire and safety.  The excuse here is 'remoteness,' so they won't pay.  Volunteer fire fighters/safety officers? Treatment on reserve?,etc.

Migrations and 'Humanness'

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Living In Fear: Fighting The Crowds

Shortly after the 2010 attack a commercial was ordered, made and broadcast on TV showing a couple of thugs with guns about to, apparently, shoot someone when a person showed up with a camera and started shooting. The thugs noticed this and stopped and left; leaving all victims.  Propaganda can take many forms, but also be used for sourcing as it can be an indication of 'caught in the foil.'  Past histories with terror, kidnapping, etc would indicate the group is involved with terror as another propaganda source.  That is, don't go to the terror planners and collaborators for help.  This is an intelligence service allowing terror on home soil, an operation, supposedly not allowed.

So, ya, we're concerned about the propaganda, regardless of its source, because this may be the same mistake and, possibly, the same people whose actions have never been adjudicated.

Twitter seems to be the same victims left out in the cold propaganda, but there is a difference between collaborators and foilers....


Friday, December 25, 2015

'Treaty' AFN Another Faction Like INM-AFN Faction

More excuses for AFN disenfranchisement like AFN lands and seas claims crowns grants and 'unliveable' AFN reserves.

Unfit parents and unfit AFN communities.....

@animikii What Tsilhqot'in and Grassy Narrows Mean for Treaty First Nations » Link to Tweet:

Changes Little

Romans came from many conquered people, particularly the army, so genetic migration tracing might prove difficult.  It also may help prove that many AFN members who claim to be indigenous definitely are not.  There's also the 'viking theory.' Actual indigenous people go back 15,000+ years in North America, so this doesn't mean much other than 'across the pond' may be the actual genetic migration of North America's first, indigenous people 15,000+ years ago.  We're still humans, check the genetic migrations.

Not sea farers?  Africa, the sea is how we thrived and developed...

Living In Fear: Rumours

Back to the terror of 2010.  Who and why.  Two questions I never ask.  Its just unhealthy.  We don't believe that its AFN, etc., previous associations or directed at foreign persons or entities like Russia (eg Ukraine $rally or persons) or China or any foreign government departments.  Sounds a lot like terrorists hiding again. Copy cats may indicate sources.

The G8/G20 attack may have been meant to rally and recruit for NGO groups.  A fuller explanation, which we won't offer, was forwarded to police who may have been a target.

We've always advocated for term limiting government employees as well as the vote for PM, Premiers, Senate, budgets and laws, etc.  Another rumor is this was the issue.  The Toronto mayor and Aboriginal senators and senate 'reform' became examples. This rumor is persistent and plausable for more reason we won't mention, but have already addressed with police.

Lastly, we were anonymous and this afforded more safety, but more persistence from the terrorists. Foiling terrorists makes them very angry and very dangerous. Wanting to find out who and why they were shut out is also excellent indicator of who and why.  The danger only increases with their persistence.  Staying anonymous must be a strategic decision regardless of fear for yourself and others.  Your not the terrorist or responsible in any way for them.  Let the police handle it.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Living In Fear: Experience and Expertise

What I said years ago: What makes you think they stopped trying?  Again, it should be clear that terrorists may continue to target an individual.  After 2010 there were more attempts at more targeted violence.  Persistent terrorists will keep coming using tools from their toolbox.  They will say its unions, religions, etc, but it's the same one. 

So, don't think that the first, major, attempt is the last.  You may have to survive many for many years. Don't let your guard down. Build in some basic security into your life. Alarms and cameras are basics, cheap and effective.  The terrorists patterns are obvious to the professionals, but don't think anyone will protect you; but you.

See a psychiatrist if you think your losing it. Over time, living in fear exacts a heavy toll. I'm still here....


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

'Not In Our Municipality'

This is what the AFN is saying. 'Undesirables.' AFN has also probably disenfranchised most of these Aboriginals.  Barred in their municipalities. They also won't spend any money, either, unless they can pocket the funds.

Ideally, each AFN should have a mental health / health facility with licensed doctors, like psychiatrists.

Living In Fear

Like a lot of people, the terror got so bad, so catastrophic, that we remind; you have to take care of yourself before you can make any difference.

Now it's just propaganda, but we're aware when we've been targeted.  The government really isn't democracy. Trudeau and Wynne are appointments of the party elite. Relying on threats of long term penalties.  What's in their toolbox? Well, hint, they're both failing the 'informed collaboration' test.  It is possible to connect them to the most catastrophic terrorist act in Canada during the G8/G20.  Yes, OPP is passing just as they did that day. The recent propohanda, like 'indegenization' 'lenses' etc. is more of the cement drying. They've already poured it.

That said, we called the police. We filed a human rights complaint for which we paid immediately in the breach. What to do?

Stay nonviolent or you may end up in the terrorsts' toolbox. Try to get by. Stay anonymous when possible. Inevitablely they will come for you, just as promised. 'All You Need To Do Is Survive' what is done to you by them. Nothing else matters.

Me?  Too late. It makes no sense to give up, now. I did talk about that one attack, so don't doubt for a minute professionals aren't watching. They're coming to the same conclusions....

Monday, December 21, 2015

Well, 'Indigenous' Redefined By.....Educators

'Indigenous Nations' 'Indigenized'

Transforming AFN governments, colonial, to include indigenous.  Well, someone is very worried that the AFN and crowns must pay for AFN and Crowns sponsored Aboriginal disenfranchisement.

I'll bet it's not the first time unelected tyrants; PM, Premiers and AFN 'chiefs' have wanted to reeducate the citizenry about peoples and their places at higher learning institutions.  More reasons for compensations to Aboriginals for abuse at schools and perversions of .....

Might start by acknowledging the 'traditional' 'territories' are all of North America with out reserves, crowns boundaries or AFN claims. We used everything everywhere. It's how to survive.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Just Give Money To AFN

majority Aboriginals never see a penny or any benefit. It's cheaper, but, in the long run, AFN will have to pay for what they've done with full knowledge of the Crowns.

It will be much worse than RS. Longer too.

Another Lands and Seas Claim

These lanfs and seas are all Aboriginal, not just where recent migrations colonies were found.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Point May Be To Get These Kids Away From AFN

AFN is irresponsible, violent and produces the problems with child care.  Disenfranchising kids may be associated with provincial social income payments to the parents.

Away from the AFN these kids may have promising futures.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

So, What About AFN Deeds To Thousands Of Aboriginals Since 1985 Now

AFN has disenfranchised most Aboriginal s through prisons, death, homelessness and theft of monies meant to help Aboriginals.  Lands and Seas granted by the crowns bars most Aboriginals from participating and outright bars most Aboriginals from these resources.  Trudeau is just another crown saving money paying the few at AFN as he destroys Aboriginal status in Canada, unless your one of his AFN pals, cronies.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

More 'Off Reserve' Assimilation Nonesense

The AFN party doesn't represent most Aboriginals.  Most have been disenfranchised by the AFN and have thriving communities in cities.  So, we're written off as assimilated and no longer Indigenous by the AFN and, soon, the crowns, again. 

Still here.  Been here for 15,000 + years.  AFN colonies will continue to steal Aboriginal lands and seas resources and bar Aboriginal access.  Nothing said about the billions....

More 'Off Reserve' Assimilation Nonesense

The AFN party doesn't represent most Aboriginals.  Most have been disenfranchised by the AFN and have thriving communities in cities.  So, we're written off as assimilated and no longer Indigenous by the AFN and, soon, the crowns, again. 

Still here.  Been here for 15,000 + years.  AFN colonies will continue to steal Aboriginal lands and seas resources and bar Aboriginal access.  Nothing said about the billions....

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Aboriginal Consultation Perverted

Meeting with some AFN chiefs party elite appointed persons who don't represent the people won't consult with most disenfranchised Aboriginals - the absolute majority.  Perverting Aboriginal consultation to mean this and the fascist, nazi party like discrimination against a whole class, half, of all Aboriginals is disgusting and shows how far these people are from reality.

Hitler was the same.  He did real well until people found out what they were doing to 'protect and help' the people. So, how late before the people see what's before them?

So, Who Do These AFN Party Chiefs Claim?

Everybody and a few elitists left after AFN disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of aboriginals and laid claim to their lands and seas resources granted them by the crowns. Barring them.

This is a colonial history.

As far as divide and conquer, the AFN and the crowns are doing this with the gender only secret commission and unlegal, unlawful look at murdered, missing and suicidal female Aboriginals.  It' been forced for a few years now, so does Canada, crowns and AFN, have responsibility for UN camps and refugees being turned away to death by a 'global movement (just like global warming, just, good and right if people will only do what they're told)' that discards males?  The answer's as obvious as forced reserves.  Aboriginals being exploited by this questionable, violent and fascist nazi party like movement.

So, yes we've been through it and the answer is stop the plague. 

Unfortunately, we have to wonder about AFN violence and this movement.  Yes, derailing that train, cutting that pipe and assaulting persons are all acts of terrorism, regardless of AFN party or other movements 'just and righteous' excuses.

The party appointed political elites meeting.  They really don't represent anyone.  Give us the vote on PMs, Premiers and these AFN 'chiefs.'. Since they won't allow us to vote on them, lets vote on their actions, like but budgets and spending, wars and refugees and Aboriginals and their exploitation; AFN lands and seas resources crowns grants - banning Aboriginals and other citizens of the world from North America's greatest country.

Like the Tens Of Thousands Of Refugees Sent To Death By UN Refugee Camps

apparently all male Aboriginals are being discounted and discarded by this strange, global lobby.

This is not Aboriginal consultation, but more of a bizarre perversion. 

Of course they didn't know who their attackers; they are often freshly AFN disenfranchised and highly vulnerable, regardless of parts.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Fascist Lobbyists At CBC TakeOver Aboriginal Issues

CBC gets billions a year from the federal government, an income for unelected Premiers from the unelected PM.  Like most government jobs, the CBC employees exist and are hired and fired at their wimms. 'Game of Thfones.' So, this is just the new unelected PM and his unelected Premiers calling all lobbyists, government employees; call yourselves and others Indigenous instead of Aboriginal and harass. 

These few government employees, CBCs, are following fascist liberal marching orders as they have the NDP in the past.  Hopefully, no terrorism.  These Aboriginals probably are AFN party lifers.  They don't represent Indigenous peoples, excepting their claims to be Indigenous, which is often arguable.

These people need to stop thinking that they, as liberal/AFN party fascists can tell us labels, tell us how and what to think and what to write.

We need to privatize CBC.

We need to tell government employee fascists to get away from our writing freedoms.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

If You Don't Care For Your Child It Will Be Taken Away From You

and so will the monies and credits provided. ' More say' won't keep the cash.

Bands Are Other Words For AFN Party

Many AFN chapters aren't indigenous, but recent colonies from recent migrations.  Some argue about Indigenous Vikings....

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ask Us What We Really Need. Outside AFN and 'Environmental' Issues

@Indigenouscanad RT @jcerdalimon: indigenous peoples still in the draft Paris Agreement, tomorrow at 6 is the final deadline #indigenouscop21 #COP21 Link to Tweet:

AFN Wants To Censor Government Writing, CBC First

not a good idea.  The complainant has already decided who and how its okay to be anonymous.

This is a real bad idea.

Vast Social Assistance Gap Against AFN Disenfranchised Aboriginals

Then there's disability.  AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals are forced to Provincial rates, below poverty.  Outside AFN claimed territories, from which most Aboriginals are banned, the cost of living is much, much higher, like Toronto.  Aboriginals, no matter where they live, need sure survivable social and disability. 

Paying for being disenfranchised.