Saturday, December 26, 2015

Living In Fear: Fighting The Crowds

Shortly after the 2010 attack a commercial was ordered, made and broadcast on TV showing a couple of thugs with guns about to, apparently, shoot someone when a person showed up with a camera and started shooting. The thugs noticed this and stopped and left; leaving all victims.  Propaganda can take many forms, but also be used for sourcing as it can be an indication of 'caught in the foil.'  Past histories with terror, kidnapping, etc would indicate the group is involved with terror as another propaganda source.  That is, don't go to the terror planners and collaborators for help.  This is an intelligence service allowing terror on home soil, an operation, supposedly not allowed.

So, ya, we're concerned about the propaganda, regardless of its source, because this may be the same mistake and, possibly, the same people whose actions have never been adjudicated.

Twitter seems to be the same victims left out in the cold propaganda, but there is a difference between collaborators and foilers....


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