Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Police Used To Disenfranchise 'Undesirable' Aboriginals From AFN Claims And Crowns Grants

Most communites provide and pay their police, fire and safety.  The excuse here is 'remoteness,' so they won't pay.  Volunteer fire fighters/safety officers? Treatment on reserve?,etc.

Migrations and 'Humanness'

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Living In Fear: Fighting The Crowds

Shortly after the 2010 attack a commercial was ordered, made and broadcast on TV showing a couple of thugs with guns about to, apparently, shoot someone when a person showed up with a camera and started shooting. The thugs noticed this and stopped and left; leaving all victims.  Propaganda can take many forms, but also be used for sourcing as it can be an indication of 'caught in the foil.'  Past histories with terror, kidnapping, etc would indicate the group is involved with terror as another propaganda source.  That is, don't go to the terror planners and collaborators for help.  This is an intelligence service allowing terror on home soil, an operation, supposedly not allowed.

So, ya, we're concerned about the propaganda, regardless of its source, because this may be the same mistake and, possibly, the same people whose actions have never been adjudicated.

Twitter seems to be the same victims left out in the cold propaganda, but there is a difference between collaborators and foilers....


Friday, December 25, 2015

'Treaty' AFN Another Faction Like INM-AFN Faction

More excuses for AFN disenfranchisement like AFN lands and seas claims crowns grants and 'unliveable' AFN reserves.

Unfit parents and unfit AFN communities.....

@animikii What Tsilhqot'in and Grassy Narrows Mean for Treaty First Nations » Link to Tweet:

Changes Little

Romans came from many conquered people, particularly the army, so genetic migration tracing might prove difficult.  It also may help prove that many AFN members who claim to be indigenous definitely are not.  There's also the 'viking theory.' Actual indigenous people go back 15,000+ years in North America, so this doesn't mean much other than 'across the pond' may be the actual genetic migration of North America's first, indigenous people 15,000+ years ago.  We're still humans, check the genetic migrations.

Not sea farers?  Africa, the sea is how we thrived and developed...

Living In Fear: Rumours

Back to the terror of 2010.  Who and why.  Two questions I never ask.  Its just unhealthy.  We don't believe that its AFN, etc., previous associations or directed at foreign persons or entities like Russia (eg Ukraine $rally or persons) or China or any foreign government departments.  Sounds a lot like terrorists hiding again. Copy cats may indicate sources.

The G8/G20 attack may have been meant to rally and recruit for NGO groups.  A fuller explanation, which we won't offer, was forwarded to police who may have been a target.

We've always advocated for term limiting government employees as well as the vote for PM, Premiers, Senate, budgets and laws, etc.  Another rumor is this was the issue.  The Toronto mayor and Aboriginal senators and senate 'reform' became examples. This rumor is persistent and plausable for more reason we won't mention, but have already addressed with police.

Lastly, we were anonymous and this afforded more safety, but more persistence from the terrorists. Foiling terrorists makes them very angry and very dangerous. Wanting to find out who and why they were shut out is also excellent indicator of who and why.  The danger only increases with their persistence.  Staying anonymous must be a strategic decision regardless of fear for yourself and others.  Your not the terrorist or responsible in any way for them.  Let the police handle it.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Living In Fear: Experience and Expertise

What I said years ago: What makes you think they stopped trying?  Again, it should be clear that terrorists may continue to target an individual.  After 2010 there were more attempts at more targeted violence.  Persistent terrorists will keep coming using tools from their toolbox.  They will say its unions, religions, etc, but it's the same one. 

So, don't think that the first, major, attempt is the last.  You may have to survive many for many years. Don't let your guard down. Build in some basic security into your life. Alarms and cameras are basics, cheap and effective.  The terrorists patterns are obvious to the professionals, but don't think anyone will protect you; but you.

See a psychiatrist if you think your losing it. Over time, living in fear exacts a heavy toll. I'm still here....


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

'Not In Our Municipality'

This is what the AFN is saying. 'Undesirables.' AFN has also probably disenfranchised most of these Aboriginals.  Barred in their municipalities. They also won't spend any money, either, unless they can pocket the funds.

Ideally, each AFN should have a mental health / health facility with licensed doctors, like psychiatrists.

Living In Fear

Like a lot of people, the terror got so bad, so catastrophic, that we remind; you have to take care of yourself before you can make any difference.

Now it's just propaganda, but we're aware when we've been targeted.  The government really isn't democracy. Trudeau and Wynne are appointments of the party elite. Relying on threats of long term penalties.  What's in their toolbox? Well, hint, they're both failing the 'informed collaboration' test.  It is possible to connect them to the most catastrophic terrorist act in Canada during the G8/G20.  Yes, OPP is passing just as they did that day. The recent propohanda, like 'indegenization' 'lenses' etc. is more of the cement drying. They've already poured it.

That said, we called the police. We filed a human rights complaint for which we paid immediately in the breach. What to do?

Stay nonviolent or you may end up in the terrorsts' toolbox. Try to get by. Stay anonymous when possible. Inevitablely they will come for you, just as promised. 'All You Need To Do Is Survive' what is done to you by them. Nothing else matters.

Me?  Too late. It makes no sense to give up, now. I did talk about that one attack, so don't doubt for a minute professionals aren't watching. They're coming to the same conclusions....

Monday, December 21, 2015

Well, 'Indigenous' Redefined By.....Educators

'Indigenous Nations' 'Indigenized'

Transforming AFN governments, colonial, to include indigenous.  Well, someone is very worried that the AFN and crowns must pay for AFN and Crowns sponsored Aboriginal disenfranchisement.

I'll bet it's not the first time unelected tyrants; PM, Premiers and AFN 'chiefs' have wanted to reeducate the citizenry about peoples and their places at higher learning institutions.  More reasons for compensations to Aboriginals for abuse at schools and perversions of .....

Might start by acknowledging the 'traditional' 'territories' are all of North America with out reserves, crowns boundaries or AFN claims. We used everything everywhere. It's how to survive.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Just Give Money To AFN

majority Aboriginals never see a penny or any benefit. It's cheaper, but, in the long run, AFN will have to pay for what they've done with full knowledge of the Crowns.

It will be much worse than RS. Longer too.

Another Lands and Seas Claim

These lanfs and seas are all Aboriginal, not just where recent migrations colonies were found.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Point May Be To Get These Kids Away From AFN

AFN is irresponsible, violent and produces the problems with child care.  Disenfranchising kids may be associated with provincial social income payments to the parents.

Away from the AFN these kids may have promising futures.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

So, What About AFN Deeds To Thousands Of Aboriginals Since 1985 Now

AFN has disenfranchised most Aboriginal s through prisons, death, homelessness and theft of monies meant to help Aboriginals.  Lands and Seas granted by the crowns bars most Aboriginals from participating and outright bars most Aboriginals from these resources.  Trudeau is just another crown saving money paying the few at AFN as he destroys Aboriginal status in Canada, unless your one of his AFN pals, cronies.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

More 'Off Reserve' Assimilation Nonesense

The AFN party doesn't represent most Aboriginals.  Most have been disenfranchised by the AFN and have thriving communities in cities.  So, we're written off as assimilated and no longer Indigenous by the AFN and, soon, the crowns, again. 

Still here.  Been here for 15,000 + years.  AFN colonies will continue to steal Aboriginal lands and seas resources and bar Aboriginal access.  Nothing said about the billions....

More 'Off Reserve' Assimilation Nonesense

The AFN party doesn't represent most Aboriginals.  Most have been disenfranchised by the AFN and have thriving communities in cities.  So, we're written off as assimilated and no longer Indigenous by the AFN and, soon, the crowns, again. 

Still here.  Been here for 15,000 + years.  AFN colonies will continue to steal Aboriginal lands and seas resources and bar Aboriginal access.  Nothing said about the billions....

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Aboriginal Consultation Perverted

Meeting with some AFN chiefs party elite appointed persons who don't represent the people won't consult with most disenfranchised Aboriginals - the absolute majority.  Perverting Aboriginal consultation to mean this and the fascist, nazi party like discrimination against a whole class, half, of all Aboriginals is disgusting and shows how far these people are from reality.

Hitler was the same.  He did real well until people found out what they were doing to 'protect and help' the people. So, how late before the people see what's before them?

So, Who Do These AFN Party Chiefs Claim?

Everybody and a few elitists left after AFN disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of aboriginals and laid claim to their lands and seas resources granted them by the crowns. Barring them.

This is a colonial history.

As far as divide and conquer, the AFN and the crowns are doing this with the gender only secret commission and unlegal, unlawful look at murdered, missing and suicidal female Aboriginals.  It' been forced for a few years now, so does Canada, crowns and AFN, have responsibility for UN camps and refugees being turned away to death by a 'global movement (just like global warming, just, good and right if people will only do what they're told)' that discards males?  The answer's as obvious as forced reserves.  Aboriginals being exploited by this questionable, violent and fascist nazi party like movement.

So, yes we've been through it and the answer is stop the plague. 

Unfortunately, we have to wonder about AFN violence and this movement.  Yes, derailing that train, cutting that pipe and assaulting persons are all acts of terrorism, regardless of AFN party or other movements 'just and righteous' excuses.

The party appointed political elites meeting.  They really don't represent anyone.  Give us the vote on PMs, Premiers and these AFN 'chiefs.'. Since they won't allow us to vote on them, lets vote on their actions, like but budgets and spending, wars and refugees and Aboriginals and their exploitation; AFN lands and seas resources crowns grants - banning Aboriginals and other citizens of the world from North America's greatest country.

Like the Tens Of Thousands Of Refugees Sent To Death By UN Refugee Camps

apparently all male Aboriginals are being discounted and discarded by this strange, global lobby.

This is not Aboriginal consultation, but more of a bizarre perversion. 

Of course they didn't know who their attackers; they are often freshly AFN disenfranchised and highly vulnerable, regardless of parts.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Fascist Lobbyists At CBC TakeOver Aboriginal Issues

CBC gets billions a year from the federal government, an income for unelected Premiers from the unelected PM.  Like most government jobs, the CBC employees exist and are hired and fired at their wimms. 'Game of Thfones.' So, this is just the new unelected PM and his unelected Premiers calling all lobbyists, government employees; call yourselves and others Indigenous instead of Aboriginal and harass. 

These few government employees, CBCs, are following fascist liberal marching orders as they have the NDP in the past.  Hopefully, no terrorism.  These Aboriginals probably are AFN party lifers.  They don't represent Indigenous peoples, excepting their claims to be Indigenous, which is often arguable.

These people need to stop thinking that they, as liberal/AFN party fascists can tell us labels, tell us how and what to think and what to write.

We need to privatize CBC.

We need to tell government employee fascists to get away from our writing freedoms.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

If You Don't Care For Your Child It Will Be Taken Away From You

and so will the monies and credits provided. ' More say' won't keep the cash.

Bands Are Other Words For AFN Party

Many AFN chapters aren't indigenous, but recent colonies from recent migrations.  Some argue about Indigenous Vikings....

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ask Us What We Really Need. Outside AFN and 'Environmental' Issues

@Indigenouscanad RT @jcerdalimon: indigenous peoples still in the draft Paris Agreement, tomorrow at 6 is the final deadline #indigenouscop21 #COP21 Link to Tweet:

AFN Wants To Censor Government Writing, CBC First

not a good idea.  The complainant has already decided who and how its okay to be anonymous.

This is a real bad idea.

Vast Social Assistance Gap Against AFN Disenfranchised Aboriginals

Then there's disability.  AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals are forced to Provincial rates, below poverty.  Outside AFN claimed territories, from which most Aboriginals are banned, the cost of living is much, much higher, like Toronto.  Aboriginals, no matter where they live, need sure survivable social and disability. 

Paying for being disenfranchised.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Privilege Fraud

Just another product of buying into easy excuses.  It's a scam, but she knows that.  No more ney there even with violent protests. 

Most premiers are thought of the same.  Gee, maybe it's the governing system...excuse.

The AFN 'chief' can go home with Obama?

So, Just Discarded 1/2 The Population Here?

or is there some responsibility for the males turned away to death at the refugee camps?  You can't discriminate without effects, unless, of course, that is the goal.  Punitive, lethal, 'equity empowerment.'

Why does the AFN turn Aboriginals into tools? Selfish? Money? Vigilantism? Violence? Punishers? Goals?

No Aboriginal Consultation

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 70s Crying Indian?

Read this pub, we're way beyond stereotyping Indians and 'nature.'

@UNDP: #EquatorPrize brings indigenous issues to forefront of Climate Summit: @equatorinit #COP21

Saturday, November 21, 2015

It's Not AFN Territory, It's Aboriginal

Who does this soverign represent?  Had a count lately?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wynne's Ignorance Shines Through

Well, 'except for (our) Aboriginals we all came from somewhere else.'. We all came from somewhere else.  Pretty sure it was Africa.  Rest is not mostly recent migrations to North America.  Why the AFN formed the year Indigenous North Americans were defined scientifically by genetics.  As opposed to recent migrations, like BC AFN chapters funding of genetic research indicates about 5000 years and much less, Indigenous North Americans, the First Peoples (migration), are at least 15000 years old.  That's three times older than the oldest AFN chapters in BC.  Canada pays out to the AFN because it is cheaper to pay the few rather than the majority, Indigenous North Americans.

Wynne can try like others to redefine history, but science does in the end.  Lots of studies nothing's changed since 1985.

Monday, November 16, 2015

So, What Is A 'Native' Anyway?

These 'scientists' haven't bothered to define them genetically basing their 'findings' on the 'ice bridge?' genetic geology faulted model and assuming what a human is....

Seems kinda sneaky to me.  Maybe it will be in school books soon....

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Well, Supposedly We Looked European 'Delicate'

We could play shirts and skins.  Many names, especially cities, could use a make over.  Buffalo?  We could go with: 'Chief squashed by falling rock.' or 'Good hunter trampled by steam buffalo....'. ...;-)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

'You've Been Assimilated:' Trudeau

Same as Harper.  The majority Aboriginals, disenfranchised by the AFN, are discarded again by PMs that insist Aboriginals who live free of the AFN are now 'Canadian;' and not unique - deserving of special rights given in Canada and other bodies, like, for example, the UN.

The letter, claiming an unelected mandate, seeks to further divide Aboriginals, cut them right in half, with secret commissions investigating female Aboriginal missing, murdered (self murder) persons - completely discarding the other stakeholders, males.  This is also a lobby seeking special rights for females only, in Canada and the UN; mirroring what is used.  It is also an effort to recruit civil society to the cause, like the AFN-INM faction, which threatened murder and self murder to obtain funds.

Nothing new here.  We're still here; the discarded and silenced majority.

Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Mandate Letter | Prime Minister of Canada

Liberal cabinet ministers get detailed marching orders from Trudeau | CTV News -

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We're Non Violent!

We advocate that violence doers,domestic terrorists, get maximum prosecution and this be done retroactively.  No hiding, anywhere.


Trueau Trestied With AFN Party Against Canada

@IndigenousXca The exclusion of Minister of Indigenous Affairs from main Cabinet Comms seems 2 belie importance of FN's by Trudeau? Link to Tweet:

Monday, November 9, 2015

AFN Party Invited To UN

Well, stealth elections do have there benefits, especially when you treaty with the liberal party and Trudeau.

So, who do they claim.... to a sovereign...government.

Anyway, it doesn't appear to be violence based as was the ten val of the AFN Senators (UN may want to research that)✂

AFN Planning Future Escape

Same Mistakes AFN Won't Ackowledge

It is obvious that no investigation can be done while immediately dismissing half the Aboriginal population based on gender.  Law enforcement and commissions can't investigate anything this way.  It is irresponsible to force anyone to.

Proper investigations might focus on the backgrounds before the deaths, regardless of gender.  We may find they were all disenfranchised by the AFN, some aggressively, just before their deaths, whether they were suicides or not; the AFN has cause to hamper any real world comprehensive investigations.

Reserves, Diseases

This is an old complaint as Aboriginals were forced to stop nomadic lives by colonies.  Both the AFN and Provinces advocate and force an ending to Aboriginal in nomadic lives.  Disease was often a strong reason for following food sources like always available coastal / sea sources.

'We Provide Services'

the actual person won't get a penny.

@char_lawyer Justin Trudeau is giving Indian monies to Premiers of Provinces to divy out to their Indian Act Mayors in breach of s.35 of Constitution. Link to Tweet:

Friday, November 6, 2015

AFN Cancelled All University Programs

Graduate to what?  Even with a bunch of four year degrees there's no jobs, even if you treatied with Trudeau. 

AFN party just takes all that money and jobs.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

We Require Citation Whenever Used

We require citation, especially if it's a job or governments.  We penalize to the maximum extent of the laws!
The copywritings have been at the bottom of the page. Contact us if your unsure how to cite us or if you've used us and not cited!!

Our Publication Remains Unchanged

All our writing, titling, etc is copywrited and must cited any time it is used, even in good ideas.  If you have not done this rectify immediately and notify the publishers and readers, especially if it is job related.

We penalize maximally any use that is not cited!

Our Impact Is Profound

Trudeau, who has personally treatied with the AFN party, a particular faction -  AFN INM, wears a skin tattoo for loyalty to a 'tribe or AFN colony,' and is unelected representing a very questionable below 1% of the citizenry like the AFN 'Chiefs' has decided to rename Aboriginals as Indigenous.  Not uncommon for petty dictators to divide and conquer, again, those who it benefits.

Most Aboriginals will get no benefit from Trudeau's and his AFN's dictatorial games.  Neither on defines us, even in propoghanda like language and meanings from the crowns and AFN.

Maybe that's what we need to ask:  Anything Trudeau's AFN do benefit me?  Money in my pockets?

Harm?  Well, did the AFN do harm with its inception in 1985/6 after genetics defined, scientifically, indigenous north americans?  Has the AFN harmed the majority of Aboriginals it disenfranchised with forced ejection from lands and seas the AFN and provincial crowns?  What happened to the AFN disenfranchised?  Where did they go?  Where did their money go?  Where did the money for them given to the AFN to provide services go? We have many more questions that are simply ignored, money stolen and attempts to change impact, history.  Should sound familiar...

Don't be surprised the AFN and Trudeau will be working Aboriginals. They treated.  They're not elected and represent a very few party elite where their 'loyalties' will always lye.  The European colonial confederations where just like this.....

We're still here.

Oh  ya, once again, we're non violent and call the cops.  If you're collaborating with terrorists or whatever - that's your choice and you're problem and we're always for maximum penalties....🔑

Home and NATIVE Land, eh?

True North strong and free.
Trudeau wasn't elected.  As such, he's just trying to please the AFN party with whom he personally treatyed.
Remember those Florida 'native' bumper stickers?  Let's make some for the AFN!  ✅
Nothings changed in the AFN colonial confederation as they become strong and free...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Faster Genetics?

See timeline on genetic 'adaptation.'

AFN Party Racial Purity Wins Games

First Peoples?

Monday, November 2, 2015

AFN Party Transparency OTD?

@keiko1931 @smwems @Kathleen_Wynne was there a back room deal made with Native Chief's to get out the vote for removing the transparency rule.??????? Link to Tweet:

We Demand AFN Removal From Census

First Nations is not how we describe ourselves, especially out of AFN claimed territory, which the vast majority of us are...

@WinnipegDaily Survey says, census is way more reliable: Prime MINISTER-designate Justin Trudeau has promised to bring back the… Link to Tweet:

@Indigenouscanad @UNDP @HelenClarkUNDP Indig ppls not even mentioned in Arctic... Link to Tweet:

Vulnerable People and Government Systems

Well, Canada and NATO seem to have passed completely on Aboriginals.  I guess the traditional excuse is Aboriginals are acquired to serve.

The timing is strange and occurs as the gender movement makes its way into the AFN and recruits other Aboriginals as it divides and conquers again.  For example, missing and murdered (self murder isnt discussed) Aboriginal movement and secret committees.  Solving half the problem does not make one whole.

Then there's the Arctic where the only interested party appears to be Russia.  China may be quietly interested, but is busy with sea claims and Mongolia. The UN seems only interested in income.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Can't Break 15,000 Year Mark

of the first peoples. Indigenous north Americans.

Probably because they're not that haplogroup.  So, the 'scientist' offer a huge projection based on genetic archeology.  Not sure how scientific they are...but most who insist on this theory are always proven wrong by haplogroup x.  Insisting, no matter how much spent, on falsehoods is usually proven wrong by science.  Ya, its like global warming.....

Thursday, October 22, 2015

AFN Party Demands To Liberals

It seems strange that the Liberals made promises to the AFN party should they win, but Wynne did promise not to sell Hydro One if her party won.  Both the NDP and Liberals did treaty with the AFN party through their AFN/INM faction.

What Trudeau should investigate, if he really cares about Aboriginals and democracy, is who does the AFN really represent and how?

No Indigenous Consultation

@CBCNews: Canada, Russia and 6 other Arctic countries to sign historic coast guard deal -- shared via UberSocial

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

AFN Party Stealth Election

Well, considering PM and Premier are political appointments of the party elite like Chins, Russia, England, etc. parliamentary systems; AFN hidden party election shouldn't scare anyone since the AFN has agreements with Liberal party.  'All based on popular vote.'

Trust these?

Record 10 indigenous MPs elected to the House of Commons Share this post with more networks:

Monday, October 19, 2015

@SmithsonianMag: The rise of DIY genetic testing. Shared via TweetCaster

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Perfect Time To Say Your: 100% Non Violent Zero Tolerance™

NDP won't.  Liberals won't.  AFN treaties with both and they won't.  So, suspects like everyone else.

Us?  100% Non Violent Zero Tolerance®™

Come on; what do they


Toronto Trades 'Persons'

Well, all people are persons(see timeline).  The city shouldn't divide, halving, Aboriginal persons by gender.  It's what political appointee party elite and terrorists do; could'a gone with'folks.'

Maybe I'll pray and dance to the 'great spirit...'

#CityofTO proclaims October 18, 2015 as Persons Day to acknowledge and honour women who are making invaluable contributions to our City. Share this post with more networks:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The AFN Is The Neo Colional Model

That's all.

Earlier and Earlier

See timeline.

This makes the migration hanging a left at the Russian steps to the new world more interesting, although this may be considered part of Asia, but attempts to explain 'modern' humans polar trek instead of shorter across the pond as the weather, being warmer at the pole?, and 'nonhuman' occupation of Europe stifling the modern migration.  What if the two got together and jumped the pond?  Anyway, old arguments.  Farther and farther back.

The article mentions mutation rate.  See timeline.  Indigenous North Americans, first people, have a faster genetic change than most.  This needs to be factored in if that's mutation rate.

Still no answer how Indigenous north american first people, haplogroup x (1985/6), got here.  Space ship?  Time travel teeth...

Fossil teeth place humans in Asia '20,000 years early'

AFN More Aborginal Claims

just like lands and seas grants.

So, define AFN 'youth movement'

Sure your not tools in the NDP,etc. toolbox?  On call protestors for fascists? Honda? Violent movements?...

Meanwhile Prostate Cancer Quietly Kills

Usually 50 to 55.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

AFN & Province Disenfranchise 100,000s Aboriginals

The AFN and the provincial crown lay claim to resources that are for all Aboriginals and always have been.

Your agreements don't mean much.  All Aorigi als have rights to the AFN and provincial crownd grants and claims. 

We won't be barred from our resources.

These People Represent Themselves

No one else.  Seems to be an elitist club, so people can say; 'we're working with Aboriginals...'

Falling Out

Or ousted if anyone's interested in being no word words.

Read one of the Toronto free dailies today and it had an interview with Clinton.  A lot of politics lately, see most recent posts.

Well, trading being what it is I'm supposed to wonder about ancestors.  When Europeans and perhaps also the recent 'land/ice bridge' migrations came to Canada, North America, it is rumoured our indigenous ancestors weren't considered human.  Savages without benefit of 'civilization.' As genetics prove Indigenous Canadians, North America's First People, date back over 15,000 years, the non human stories get more wild.  Our Indigenous ancestors were not considered 'modern' humans.  This story is complicated by a recent discovery in Mexico of an artifact 13,000 years old, approximately, that some consider not human.  This occurred after the AFN ordered a study of their ancestoral migration, west coast, that genetics indicate are a recent migration, well under 5000 years old.  Mexico is part of North America and the AFN and others would simply dismiss older migrations as not modern, non human, as has been the excuse in the past.

The difficulty here, aside from the recent migrations commonly excusing those there before them as savages, non humans; is that genetics indicate that Indigenous North Americans did not use the 'land/ice bridge' and are more European than the recent migrations.  Across the pond, over a shallower Atlantic on strong currents between Americas and Europe like Ireland, Scotland, British Isles.  The Mexican discovery seems to indicate another route from South America, although this is mostly discounted as the 'land/ice bridge' too.

It's difficult to argue that Indigenous Canadians, first people, are not human since the genetics indicate Europe to North America before 'land/sea bridge' migrations came all the way around or from Pacific islands.  We did, however, leave Africa north.

In lore as Europeans, Pacific islanders, 'bridge' people and other recent migrations discovered our ancestors, first people, they discounted them as non human.  We are all familiar with the savage and non civilized non human discounting.

Another, more recent story might be non humans are made human by being consumed by a 'great spirit.'  This is what migrations brought to the first peoples.  Eternal life, their lives consumed, catalogued and preserved and civilized.  One might say resting in the clouds of computers.  Others might call it a disease brought by the recent migrations.  Either way, first contact was always an aggressor, trying to make the ancestors something they're not, raising them... to migrations standards.  All disease and consuming.

Yes, we believe in the great spirit... animals have spirits...we have governments...we trade...we dance...we have meetings and treaties...the environment is special to us...we build houses...we farm...we have medicine...etc.

The only thing agreeable compromises with migrations seem to lack is agreement that Indigenous North Americans ranged all over North America; no boundaries or territories...

So sure, we're really consumed and made human and modern stored in a computer.  What is more non human?

Falling Out

Or ousted if anyone's interested in being no word words.

Read one of the Toronto free dailies today and it had an interview with Clinton.  A lot of politics lately, see most recent posts.

Well, trading being what it is I'm supposed to wonder about ancestors.  When Europeans and perhaps also the recent 'land/ice bridge' migrations came to Canada, North America, it is rumoured our indigenous ancestors weren't considered human.  Savages without benefit of 'civilization.' As genetics prove Indigenous Canadians, North America's First People, date back over 15,000 years, the non human stories get more wild.  Our Indigenous ancestors were not considered 'modern' humans.  This story is complicated by a recent discovery in Mexico of an artifact 13,000 years old, approximately, that some consider not human.  This occurred after the AFN ordered a study of their ancestoral migration, west coast, that genetics indicate are a recent migration, well under 5000 years old.  Mexico is part of North America and the AFN and others would simply dismiss older migrations as not modern, non human, as has been the excuse in the past.

The difficulty here, aside from the recent migrations commonly excusing those there before them as savages, non humans; is that genetics indicate that Indigenous North Americans did not use the 'land/ice bridge' and are more European than the recent migrations.  Across the pond, over a shallower Atlantic on strong currents between Americas and Europe like Ireland, Scotland, British Isles.  The Mexican discovery seems to indicate another route from South America, although this is mostly discounted as the 'land/ice bridge' too.

It's difficult to argue that Indigenous Canadians, first people, are not human since the genetics indicate Europe to North America before 'land/sea bridge' migrations came all the way around or from Pacific islands.  We did, however, leave Africa north.

In lore as Europeans, Pacific islanders, 'bridge' people and other recent migrations discovered our ancestors, first people, they discounted them as non human.  We are all familiar with the savage and non civilized non human discounting.

Another, more recent story might be non humans are made human by being consumed by a 'great spirit.'  This is what migrations brought to the first peoples.  Eternal life, their lives consumed, catalogued and preserved and civilized.  One might say resting in the clouds of computers.  Others might call it a disease brought by the recent migrations.  Either way, first contact was always an aggressor, trying to make the ancestors something they're not, raising them... to migrations standards.  All disease and consuming.

Yes, we believe in the great spirit... animals have spirits...we have governments...we trade...we dance...we have meetings and treaties...the environment is special to us...we build houses...we farm...we have medicine...etc.

The only thing agreeable compromises with migrations seem to lack is agreement that Indigenous North Americans ranged all over North America; no boundaries or territories...

So sure, we're really consumed and made human and modern stored in a computer.  What is more non human?

Monday, October 12, 2015

'Columbus Wasn't Any Worse Than AFN'


Thought It Was Gender Defender Wars, Not Rich vs. Poor


@680NEWS: Trudeau faces renewed attack in noisy start to final week of federal campaign: #elxn42 Shared via TweetCaster

AFN Disenfranchised Are Voting All Over Canada

@CBCCanada: Rock the Vote targets low election turnout in First Nations communities Shared via TweetCaster

Last Time 'Indigenous Inclusion' Gave Us The AFN

Many AFN chapters are the result of recent migrations.  Like renaming things over a relatively innocuous migration, motives of 'friends' might be suspect.

Fed Needs To Work with Aboriginals Outside AFN

Especially in education where majority Aboriginals are outside AFN and AFN claims.

AFN doesn't represent most Aboriginals, although AFN claims many.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Do You Have A Vote At The AFN Party?

Don't become a foot soldier of the party elite's lap dogs. 

Demand a vote in a national union of  Aboriginals.  Create one......

Friday, October 9, 2015

Why Not Ask The AFN?

where their money went?  Why these Aboriginals received no benefit and died?  The only way out seems to be a well financed and beneficial rescue program from the AFN. 

Lives must be saved.  That's the mandate.

We Should Study The Many Migrations

Before Columbus.  Like the ice-land bridge recent immigrants.

Indigenous people, first peoples, pre date these as 15,000+ years in North America.

We'd Prefer Cash Compensation

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Include Aboriginals Outside AFN Lands Claims

most are.

Spending billions on the smallest number of Aboriginals. 


We'd Need To Know If The Person Was Disenfranchised By AFN

Unfortunately the AFN won't release the information making an objective investigation impossible.

NDP Platform Doesn't Address Majority Aboriginals

Just AFN party.  Education cash will be funneled through NDP friendly provincial employees.  AFN is upset because they blew any money to AFN first deals. 

Aboriginal education should include Aboriginals who are outside AFN claims.  The majority.

Everything will be AFN claimed territories friendly, avoiding paying over 90% of Aboriginals.

The murdered, missing and self murder investigations will have to include all Aboriginals.  Unfortunately, we believe most were disenfranchised by AFN who pocketed millions meant to help Aboriginals, making Aboriginals highly vulnerable.  This also must be part of any investigation.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Are The Claimants Indigenous?

or the recent immigrations...

This can be determined with a simple test.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

So, Why Divide Aboriginals by Halfs?

Solving half the problem isn' the solution.

Like I Said; no one asked us...

Killing TPP? No one asked us...

AFN Claims Lands & Seas 1st

Barring Aboriginals

Which Party?


See AFN-INM faction treaty with NDP and liberal federal policy leaders in timeline.

Well, maybe the NDP and AFN feds need Ontario provincial AFN chiefs?  See previous post.

Aboriginal healthcare has trashed since AFN took over in BC.  Not in Ontario.  Intra provincial class action might confuse everyone into thinking Aboriginal healthcare was always federal with no rights to transferring, to the AFN.  Maybe too much like schooling.

Well, mess with the provincial bull, get the horns.  I know AFN doesn't represent me...

Monday, October 5, 2015

I Know The AFN Doesn't Represent Me

If they're getting any of my health information it's called 'class action.'

Seems just to be the AFN version of colonial premiere, like Wynne.  No vote, no impeachment, recall.  The AFN is really a one party system(see AFN-INM faction treaties with fed NDP & liberal parties in timeline).

Not kidding about class action.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Why Won't The AFN Share...?

It's supposedly a 'cultural thing' too.  Well, it's obvious at the individual chapter level where a few AFN 'reprentatives,' political party elite, often an appointees, and a few members that are not 'undesireable' and AFN disenfranchised, share Aboriginal incomes and resource lands and seas grants from the provinces and federal assistance. 

So, considering, especially recently, that the few AFN aboriginals have stolen majority Aboriginal incomes from the provinces by reflecting a crown / colonies relationship towards AFN confederation, why not open up the AFN benefits to all Aboriginals federally, much less provincially?  Pretty sure it's greed, AFN stealing again, just as the other colonies before them.  Crowns happy they pay off only a very few.

There's other considerations to AFN greed.  Many AFNs aren't even first peoples.  Recent migrations. AFN racial purity laws.  AFN 'culture,' like AFN 'hereditary chiefs' as the AFN PM.  We call those kings and queens in Polynesia.  Nothing indigenous about those....

Check our timeline.

Friday, September 25, 2015

I thought 'old stock' meant First People, like Indigenous Canadian First Peoples...

Well, can't be right cuz I'd disenfranchise most of the AFN.  Can't do that.  Crowns say they're Aboriginals and must be dealt with...

You Said it was a cultural thing....

Well, I guess this 'expert' at Ryerson needed something to do.  A reason for the job at the school.  Most Aboriginals aren't interested in AFN governance because they get no benefit anyway.  They're AFN disenfranchised.  The real answer is that the AFN doesn't represent most Aboriginals.  This person we'd have to pigeon hole as a 'community,' 'territorial' AFN member, not necessarily by choice, but wanting to survive.  Pretty risky speaking up, asking for better for all in the community only to be put down by 'it's all AFN' party 'governmental structures' that must interact with the horrible and mean federal government 'Indian' Act people.

Harper was right.  We need to count every penny sent to the AFN.  Don't complain when there are no programs, money gone and all the Aboriginals end up at the provinces' doorsteps again....

So, what happened to the AFN assumption of Aboriginal healthcare in BC?

Never happened?  Spent the money on Shaman and exotic health spas?  We need to audit the AFN and where all that health care money went.  In most provinces Aboriginal healthcare is pretty much the same as regular provincial healthcare.  Not sure why we're all of a sudden calling on the federal government when the AFN and provinces, BC, agreed to take over AFN healthcare.  Palliative?  The best the provinces can usually do is a medical specialist visitor, not expensive and delicate equipment one would find in  a hospital.  Most hospices are located near hospitals for obvious reasons.  End of life care.  So, why didn't AFN invest in these if this is a priority?

The Natures Of Things......

Well, saw that show last nigh on CBC.  It seemed to promise an explanation of the supposed difference between a pacific (Polynesian) immigration and the land/ice/arctic bridge theory we've heard about for 50 years.  It didn't bother addressing the haplo group x genetic migration to North America as the first peoples, indigenous north Americans.  In fact,  the surprised anthropologist (not a migration genetist travelled to Russia to get confirmation that, indeed, everyone came from Russia, not China, to be the first north Americans.  This all seems acted into resource claims that Canadians reject, but accept; if pacific/Polynesian.  Well, all this has been moot for about 15,000 years.  The main theory of Canada's Indigenous First Peoples is reinforced by Honda's political portrayal of migrations.  It makes a lot more sense that we came from Europe from islands that were extended, like Ireland and Scotland, while the seas were lower and the famous currents between Europe and North America were stronger (just follow the lobster, etc.).   Nature whould seem to dictate a hop across the pond, possibly 'somewhat' like the Polynesians in the Pacific rather than a much longer and much colder path from Russia/ steps, Sino Russia all the way around to north America.  The genetics, anyway, can't explain the path because no one bothers to put forth this theory, which is the only real explanation for the first peoples of north America out of Africa.  It could have been space aliens ships......


Thursday, September 24, 2015

These Lands Were Inhabited By Indigenous Canadian First Peoples

long before, about 15,000 years +, any new migrations, colonies. 

Why not ask us?

How The AFN Disenfreanchises Aboriginals

Sounds like a set up to me.  Most Aboriginals are banned after the police intervene.  'Undesirables.'  More money for AFN fewer people.  Usually the police do this, but maybe they don't want to be a tool in AFN manipulation of what it is to be Aboriginal, AFN disenfranchisement.  The 'undesirables' are still Aboriginal, but not allowed on AFN lands and seas claims.  In the original 'European' colonies these were Catholics or Protestants, sinners or some other excuse to ban from the colony.  Certain death.

The AFN should not be in charge of the 'communities' it claims.  No court, no trial, just banishment and an attempt to strip the 'undesirable' Aboriginals of their identity.  Well,  most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN claimed lands and seas resources and still maintain their identity.  Used to be no or horrible housing was the AFN excuse.  Newer,  more media palatable excuses for AFN banning Aboriginals, disenfranchising Aboriginals from their identity, lands and seas resources and monies from outside the AFN and help outside the AFN colonies, especially financial.  'We gave money to the AFN for that........'

Decision Makers Aren't Elected, They're Policial Appointmens of The Party Elite, Like Premiers

AFN party is no different,  No vote where it counts.  The AFN needs to open up to voting for national and other 'chiefs' or political party  leaders of the AFN.  AFN following previous colonies footsteps, especially with provinvial crowns, premiers, leads to a vote that is not a vote, but a political party elite appointment, like chiefs or premiers.  Once again, this is no vote.

AFN is following a cash machine that pays out the very few at the AFN and ignores completely the AFN disenfranchised Aboriginal majority.

Majority Aboriginals Aren't AFN

and won't identify with the AFN party.  So, Canadians insist on dealing with the AFN few while the majority Aboriginals are ghosts.  Monies and now politics.  Maybe official material shouldn't identify Aboriginals as AFN.  Canadian Aboriginals is sufficient?

Mohawks Unite With AFN

Seems confusing that these lands are claimed.  Well, it's the AFN claiming these lands and seas as 'communities.'  Like the colonies before them the AFN has been given lands and seas claims by the crowns even accepting provincial crown authorities.  This is done as 'communities' or 'towns.'  Any community or town can choose to try and stop developments.  So, why are AFN 'communities' so special.  They're not.  The only difference is that AFN claims tens of thousands of Aboriginals that the AFN has disenfranchised making few the number of payouts.  The AFN is cheaper.  It accepts all crowns authorities and lands and seas grants.  Colonies did the same and then united under confederation with provinces.  The AFN is hoping for the same deals and systems, like parliamentary political elite appointments , like premiers, who exercise taxing and spending over large numbers of people based on the territories, provinces.

The AFN, just like the other colonies before them, has claimed lands and seas through crowns grants and has barred majority Aboriginals from those.  This has to be addressed.  Just because the media chooses to report only 'non Aboriginal banning' by the AFN doesn't mean that AFN barring of Aboriginals from AFN claimed lands and seas is not happening or less important.  All Aboriginals need to vote.  Most may be for progress with compensation, but the AFN will still claim lands and seas grants from the crowns as 'communities' and bar others, especially other Aboriginals.  So, majority Aboriginals don't see much hope here as they did with the colonies preceding the AFN colonies.  All's we can do is complain and hope that in the future we are made whole.

The AFN shows no promise of equality for Aboriginals they claim and have been disenfranchised by the AFN.  This should stop all forced dealings with the AFN by crowns and companies.  You'll pay twice and even more than could have been compensated if Canadians weren't forced to deal with the AFN party.  We questions the liberal and NDP parties dealings with the AFN party, which the AFN has made special treaties with through the AFN-INM faction.  Majority Aboriginals aren't going away and will have to be dealt with once the parties have stopped making deals.

Monday, September 21, 2015

AFN Veto Powers

Well, strange considering like parliaments there is no vote with most Aboriginals and the AFN.  Crowns (lately provincial) lands and seas grants to the AFN is the same as crowns grants to colonies a couple of hundred years ago.  Both gave lands and seas to colonies from the crowns powers.  Both bar most Aboriginals, identified as AFN and assigned to or not, from using lands and seas resources where the grants have been given by the crowns. 

There is no such thing as 'traditional territories' for Canadian Indigenous First Peoples, regardless of AFN, and before the the 'European' colonies, lands and seas grants from the crowns, Canaidian Indigenous First Peoples ranged freely all over North America.  Where they were found, trap lines, or other ways of assigning territories to Canadian Indigenous First Peoples are irrelevant and disregarded.

First, Canadian Indigenous First Peoples need a vote,

Sunday, September 20, 2015

AFN Racial Purity Accepted Internationally

Seems that no one has defined what an AFN Aboriginal is; but, you can bet the decision is made using AFN racial purity laws.

Explain Your Vision

AFN won't.  Now it just asserts it's more than just a party, now, on both provincial and federal levels, that represents AFN 'communities' or lands and seas AFN claims.  'First Nations peoples?'  Not sure who these are, bu they're sure not the AFN disenfranchised majority Aboriginals.  I guess AFN visions were claiming Aboriginals beyond AFN claimed lands and seas, but the AFN doesn't really represent these, much less the majority of Aboriginals disenfranchised by the AFN.

The only thing that makes sense here is AFN is following the footsteps of the colonies before them.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Real Answer Is To Cut Off The Money To AFN

They only steal the monies provided or benefit a very few who live on their reserves or 'territory' or 'community.'  Since most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and forced out; money, lands and seas grants have flown in large volumes to the AFN from the provincial crowns or unelected premiers - political appointees of the party elite - to the few in number / large in $ digesting AFN.  Federal has been pretty quiet, but won't address the AFN claims to the rights to ban aboriginals from AFN lands and seas claims.  This shold be obvious.

AMC Represents Who...?

'...largest Indigenous political advocacy & rights protection organization,...'

Well, first off not sure that provincial borders apply to Indigenous, being the First Peoples of North America, or Aboriginal, being groups that make longer term lands and seas claims than 'Europeans' and possibly 'Vikings,' persons.  First Peoples have never given in to territorial claims, like treatying with provinces for lands and seas, by AFN or provincial crowns.  The AFN needs to really define who they are with Turdeau lumping everyone together under the AFN - the mistakes of many preimiers. Forcing people to deal with the AFN is also a PM mistake.

Well, we reject the AFN - AMC faction as we did the AFN - INM (Idle No More).  They do not reperesent the majority, probably greater than 90%, of Aboriginals for whom we write.

We need PMs and Premeirs acknowledging Majority Aboriginals, not the micro minority AFN land and seal claiming, fewer to pay/less cost.  Majority Aboriginals also need a vote for premiers and PMs as well as AFN party reps.  Majority Aboriginals have been passed over for too long with the endorsement of goverment fascist parliamentary appointments; fooling the world into thinking Canada and the AFN is a democracy.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Why No Aboriginal AFN Voting?

Since it treatied as a political party there is only one, the AFN.  In addition, AFN has never asked for Aboriginal votes.  Like provinces, premiers, the AFN doesn't believe in voting for leaders, like permeirs (who tax and spend as they see fit based on partly elite appointment), but do great business with the provinces.  Majority Aboriginals, disenfranchised by the AFN, have been written off by the AFN and weren't wanted by the AFN to begin with; so, it's just 'the community,' meaning the reserve, which  has moved majority Aboriginals away, stealing monies for themselves at a greatly reduced number of beneficiaries.  Great cost reduction deal for the AFN and premiers.

So, AFN, how about a vote from the band lists?

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Maybe It's Because It Says AFN Party

to AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals.  We're not AFN and won't respond to it.  Most Aboriginals won't respond to anything AFN. 

Your survey is better off on the net, allowing all Aboriginals to respond without having to deal with the AFN.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Aboriginal Males “disposable” and “tossed away” by society, AFN, Provincial Premiers, NDP and LIberals

Half the problem isn't the whole solution. 

Who will be made 'Whole'?

Homo Naledi Nearly 3 Million Year Roots; Of Or Not Human?

Separate branch?  The South African artifacts discoveries chosen to be released this week by certain discoverers really asks; 'What's human?'  The same question is sometimes asked about Indigenous North Americans - The First Peoples.  First Nations might have another genetic challenge here as these millions of years old peoples had a culture, buried their dead and order.  It will take years to work all this out as the public was chosen to informed this week. 

Haplo Group X, the First  Indigenous Peoples of North America, also had the argument made that they're 'not human,' but this has faded with reason.   The question is how did they get here before all the other immigrations like Polynesia and land bridges for Aboriginals?  Still unsolved most agree the First North Americans are humans and not of Asian origins.  Across the pond from Europe seems to be the easiest answer. 

After over a year of writing does it seem outrageous that Indigenous Peoples of North America were here well over 15,000 years ago?  No, not anymore.  So, maybe we can examine artifacts that AFN claims and does not allow genetic testing.  AFN may be holding our ancestors hostage.....

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What Monies? Where? We Didn't Get Any

Kings and Queens

While these recent migrations claim lands and seas, like the colonies before them, they deny resource usage to most Aboriginals.  Barred just like the colonies seizing lands and seas for the crowns.  Among other theories of recent migrations is that these migrants came not from the 'land bridge,' but form Polynesia, like Hawaii.  The totems, art and ruling elite structure is basically unchanged.  Whether the land bridge and adopting royalty from England or from Polynesia with existing royalty, 'hereditary chiefs,' no one seems to be able to explain the actual Indigenous people of Canada, genetically, haplo group X.  Well, until science figures out how the First Peoples, haplo group X, got here well over 15,000 years ago maybe we should consider ourselves Irish.  'There's a little bit of Irish in all of us ; ).

Fifty Percent Of The Problem Is Not The Answer

'Who is this person?'  The AFN, like the premiers (see previous article on timeline), agendas are discriminatory.  Truth and reconciliation?  This is a waste of fifty present.  Males are discarded, unconsidered, even by law enforcement and the secret committee that handles these issues.

Do you really want the AFN and premiers to represent you?  Truth is no one is elected, but appointed by the party political elite, even AFN party 'leaders.'  Truth is the AFN 'represents' a very small and less expensive number of Aboriginals.  Most they have been disenfranchised by the AFN - and some by the premiers - as they are now doing with gender discrimination.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

'Joint Government'

Well, since we're in the middle of an 'election' where non of the Premiers are elected, but appointed by the party elite, this seems like Parliament 'majority' and 'minority' etc.  So, who's the Premier, the provincial government dealing with anyway?  Foremost, not majority Aboriginals disenfranchised by the AFN.  No acknowledgement that Canada's Indigenous people live all over Canada and ran, migrated, etc. regardless of confederations and provinces.  Good reasons enough.  Less stake holders acknowledged and paid off.  No bothersome federal issues, which is what Indigenous people are; but no mention that the AFN is a political party evidenced by the AFN - INM faction treatying with the NDP and Liberal leaders (who aren't elected either).   Seems like a good steel all around.  Later, of course, there's 'too many chiefs and not enough indians.'

'The highest court' seems federal and so should be the mandate.  All Indigenous people need to participate.  A vote can be done on the internet in 1 minute.  So, why mention the spectre of a vote on issues?  Well, maybe we'll get away from the appointees of the political elite, like premiers who tax and spend us without a vote, and get to the real issues that are mostly federal for Aboriginals with real votes instead of strange predilections and agendas of premiers that feel their appointment by the political elite is an entitlement.  AFN should feel the fire....

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Mrs. Universe Never Voted For the AFN

AFN Doesn't Really Represent Anyone

Most Aboriginals are disenfranchised.  So, when the government calls them on financial responsibility no one is uncertain about the outcome.  The government needs to look at who and how many Aboriginals are benefiting from the hundreds of millions and lands and seas grants.  Maofority Aboriginals are waiting for the government to acknowledge that what's given to the AFN really doesn't benefit Aboriginals.

AFN Confuses Voting; For Everyone

Not sure why the chief is all excited about voting.  The AFN doesn't really allow Aboriginals to vote.  It could be easy using the band list, but not everyone is wanted.  Those, the majority of Aboriginals, that have been disenfranchised by the AFN aren't wanted.  So, no voting notices or even an acknowledgement of the right for every Aboriginal to vote for the AFN representatives.  The AFN, now a political party after making agreements with the Liberal and NDP federal parties through their AFN INM faction, really doesn't believe in democracy.  Like provinces during confederation, the AFN does more political elite party appointing, like provincial premiers with whom the AFN has made many lands and seas grants.  If the AFN had a vote it would be considered equity in the Canadian Parliamentary system.  No real vote.  Like a premier who taxes and spends the citizenry at the parties behest or their own strange predilections or agendas - something to which the AFN can attest.  The AFN and the other political parties seem happy with the arrangement.  A few, elite AFN party members claiming to represent hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals who have no say in the governing or where all those hundreds of million and land and seas grants go.

It's like all this was planned, like confederation.  Gee, maybe it's not so confusing.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Thirty Years of AFN disposals

AFN has done more to disenfranchise Aboriginals than any government.  Aboriginals have been left to their own and provincial devices as AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals from AFN lands and seas claims, whittling down AFN numbers and pocketing federal monies and jobs for the few who remained in the AFN.

The AFN treaty ed with the liberal and NDP parties as the INM faction declared the AFN a party.

What's becoming painfully obvious is the AFN disenfranchisement of Aboriginals while stealing monies meant for Aboriginals.  The AFN represents very few Aboriginals.  The majority don't have anything to do with the AFN or want out from what AFN and Canada think is AFN purview.  The AFN represents a small fraction of Aboriginals.  Of course Canadian policy reflects this stature. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Aboriginal Territory Is Canada

Not just where they were found or told to settle.  The AFN really has no claim to the territories granted it by the Provinces.  It's all Aboriginal and banning most Aboriginals from the territory the AFN claims hurts even more.  The AFN represents very few Aboriginals.  Even the original band lists have been dramatically decreased.  Majority Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and live off reserve because of that.  We need to stop forcing people to deal with AFN when the AFN really doesn't represent majority Aboriginals.  There is no vote either, like Provincial Premiers.

Monday, July 20, 2015

New Party, Old Church

This sounds like a church election or AFN (which is a political party) electing at 'traditional chief' based on family lineage or royalty; depending on if your count the last leader of the AFN who based his rule on being 'The King of the Indians.'
None of this existed under Indigenous life until we started with that 'Great Spirit' and 'spirited animals' stuff for the 'Westerners.'  Dances and taking circles.  Headdresses and treaties....

In any case, this shows how the AFN representing very few of the Aboriginal population and even disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Indians of lands and seas grants from the provinces.  No one is really elected.  Premiers are political appointees of the party elite.  No one voted for them, but they tax and spend citizens just like the AFN chiefs do - even without a band list vote.  The few controlling the monies of government to the few, without a vote.

Thew new authority shouldn't have a matriarchal or patriarchal system with any voting based on AFN racism, purity and 'traditional (meaning lands and seas grants)' territories based on same. 

The 'authority' should be a national Aboriginals vote outside the AFN.  This can be done on the internet in five minutes with the resource use monies generated going to each Aboriginal's pocket outside the AFN.

Worldviews and Talking Circles

The biggest blind spot is the AFN.  These college courses appear to be begun by the AFN party loyalsits and fit into NDP teachers unions.

The course doesn't address Aboriginals at all before 'Westerners' appeared.  The course should address this as much as possible before using the 'Westernization' to 'teach.'  If the school is serious, it would look at the AFN over the last thirty years and their affects on Aboriginals. 

I wouldn't open up my 'heart and mind' to an Aboriginal AFN.  That is a mistake.  The course requires the participants to 'tell something about themselves.'  Don't buy into these judges.  Look at their view, leans, they use to study you and what they do with the information.

The course is a stereotype......... 

Friday, July 17, 2015

How About A Job? Better yet a tenured government job?

The ad should list jobs that are seeking Aboriginals so all that education doesn't go to waste.  Like Senior year in high school, and later University you'll find out you won't survive if your not sober(yes, that can mean drugs too).  It's all work all day.

Indians In Hats

Remember those old photos of Aboriginals in suites and hats?  Something off there.  Still is.

Anyone can where anything they want on there heads.  It's the law now.  AFN has no right to claim persons' head dressings.  Aboriginals are knowing for being welcoming.  The AFN is not.

Banning head dressings for only non aboriginals, as defined by AFN racial purity laws, is wrong and should stop immediately before no one can wear them without AFN permission.  I suppose it depends on the function, but that would be more fashion than anything else.....

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why No Indigenous North American Environmental Stewardship?

The AFN.  The AFN ties its 'stewardship' to land and sea grants as well as resource use.  We need to unite all Canadian Aboriginals for 'stewardship' and resource use benefits, directly to Aboriginals pockets, bypass the AFN, which only represents a small number of Indigenous Canadians.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Why Aplogize To A Political Party?

same as NDP.

Why Were The Children Taken?

It's easy to say that the families want them back and your an advocate for that, but what no one can publish and is the most important factor in the welfare of the children is; why were the children seized from the families in the first place?  They usually have a good reason and to say that the children are 'problem children' now is moot.

"Prior to this role I worked in the area of restorative justice and I would see how many children would come through our doors as a result of being in CFS care, and knowing what I've learned over the years and all of these intricacies of residential school effects,''

To put a child back into a perilous home is not the answer.  Ultimately, as adults, most can meet with those families.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Acknowledging Cross Provincial Aboriginals

The Aboriginals in the article just got recognition form the federal government of there status.  So, we are finding that by new acknowledgements, the 'traditional' lands and seas usage was all over Canada.  Settlements are where Aboriginal were found and forced to stay or move to.  Another Province has come out with an apology outside of provinces like Ontario, which has a large Indigenous population that can't move outside provincial boundaries and be Aboriginal.  By acknowledging their status we are seeing what Aboriginals are and denying this makes no sense.

Depending on where you were it wasn't such a bad thing to get out of the reserve very young.......

Boundaries and Trap lines and Traditional

The Provincial Park was the issue.  Crown provincial boundaries, trap lines and 'traditional' territories are all inventions of recent migrations to Canada.  Indigenous people used these land and waters without regard to any of this.  There must be an Aboriginal national referendum on what to do with these resources.  Internet voting takes about five minutes......................

Why One Feather?

Well, it doesn't appear to be an strategic analysis of the AFN confederation and treating with provincial crowns diminishing Aboriginals traditional dealing only with the federal crown.  Either way one feather is the only answer.  There are never too many chiefs, since everyone is........

Thursday, June 18, 2015

AFN Treatying With Provinces For Personal Gain

The AFN is corrupt and doesn't represent most of the people it says it does and the Provinces just take advantage of this as the AFN party does.

There are no treaties with Provinces.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Professor Reinforces AFN Party and Provincial Lands and Seas Grants to AFN ........................................................... as NDP Party takes Alberta

Well, maybe that's why AFN went into deals with provinces as they went quasi colonial confederation and further disenfranchised 100,000s of Aboriginals form their resources.

Indigenous persons don't acknowledge crowns borders.  One main reason is that leaving the province the Aboriginal is assigned to makes them no longer AboriginalIndigenous Canadians have always roamed from seas to seas and used all the resources available..........for over 15,000 years.

We still roam and use.  Don't bother telling us we don't have rights to all Canada's resources.  Usage........

Monday, June 8, 2015

Most Indigenous Communities are in cities, not AFN reserves

While the AFN lobbied the crowns successfully for lands and seas grants, barring majority Aboriginal from participation, the realities are that most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and the 'trickle down' tax benefits to Aboriginals are intercepted by the AFN and NDP parties with the Liberals preferring a management role in the interdiction.  Aboriginals need a direct to pocket of each Aboriginal benefits, like, for example, resource use, but, unfortunately, the appearance is that the Conservatives chose the family tax credit as the solution, writing off majority Aboriginals disenfranchised by the AFN as assimilated.'

First Nation British Columbia has been evicting Aboriginals For over 30 years...

Now, they want clarity.  Well, most AFNs aren't Indigenous, but are results of recent successful migrations.  So, while the crowns grant indigenous lands and seas, resources, to the AFN party; they are simply repeating what has been done in the past.  Majority Aboriginals have understood this for many years, unable to take the AFN to court or the crowns.  Clarification would have majority Aboriginals participate in these processes and rectifying the injustices.

'Putting The Indian Back Into The Child'

In the comments section. 

So, what is an Aboriginal student?  Do they have to pass AFN racial purity standards?  Can anyone go there if they identify as Aboriginal?  Why not, self identifying for other programs is acceptable.  So, will the teaching be based on AFN party's idea of what Aboriginal is; are these really indigenous and should the teaching reflect the scientific realities of North American Aboriginals?  Will they be teaching about the colonies' Great Spirit?  Dancing?  AFN seizures of Aboriginal lands and seas, denying Aboriginals access?  Racial purity based on 'mothers and fathers' 'traditional claims?'  Migrations and first peoples based on the original migration out of Africa?  DNA scientific evidence of first peoples and recent colonizations?.........

The curriculum should be published on the internet after open Aboriginal consultations on the material, available for internet courses and open government?  If the crowns are serious about education it should be available on the internet, no hiding what is being taught, unlike Ontario's 'revamping' of Wynne's Sex Education Curriculum

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Environmentalism: Another Land Claim and Crowns Grants

Well, maybe we should ask majority Aboriginals what they think, but the AFN has already barred them from these lands and any say in resources.

Yes, Might Have Been The Child Family Tax Credit

directly into the pockets of  those that really can't afford the $250,000 it takes to raise a child properly.  We would to have liked to see a tax credit for those who are responsible enough not to have children they can't afford.

Most of AFN Are Not Indigenous Peoples

They are recent colonies.  The AFN wants UN acknowledgement when the AFN practices racial purity laws and has disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of Aboriginals and stolen hundreds of millions meant for Aboriginals.  The AFN doesn't represent majority Aboriginals at all.

Ernie, It's Not Your Money, It's Ours........

Perry, It's Not Your Money, It's Ours

and we need it to go directly into our pockets rather than have it wasted by the AFN party.

Maybe the problem is, like the NDP party, the AFN party has become as specialist at intercepting funding that should go directly to Aboriginals to perform services, like welfare, education and healthcare, both provincial and federal crowns.  Each Aboriginal can make these decisions and save money for everyone.  Specializing in intercepting for Aboriginals - trickle down tax funding, that has failed Aboriginals horribly, has no future.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

AFN Takes Over Healthcare, Palliative Care Numbers Rise

A sampling of off reserve Aboriginals might help, although the goal seems to only focus on AFN Aboriginals on reserves.  AFN has been given millions to help with Aboriginal health care and help prevent these fatal diseases.  Unfortunately, those in Aboriginals in need never saw a penny in programs or cash and are dying as a result.  Maybe we should audit AFN again.

AFN INM Faction Treaties With NDP and Liberal Party Leaders: AFN Becomes Political Party

Many seem to be forgetting that AFN through its INM faction became a political party when it treatied as on with the NDP and Liberal Party leaders, excepting all other parties.  In addition to resource use seizures and banning Aboriginals by the AFN through the crowns, it will be even more difficult to hold the AFN accountable for the disenfranchisement and, for example, imprisoning, of hundreds of thousands of  Aboriginals, not to mention the AFN stealing cost to same.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mohawks Aren't Indigenous To The Territories They Claim

They are a recent colony.  The actual Indigenous peoples need to be consulted just as these are a crowns lands and waters.  We need national Indigenous consultations before Indigenous peoples are barred from lands and seas and resources by The AFN or Mohawks or crowns.

This settlement is as illegal as all the other AFN crowns grants.

AFN Evictions - Nothing New, Just In The Open

The crowns lands and seas grants are going to the AFN and majority Aboriginals are not part of the AFN.  The crowns should ask for Aboriginal input from Aboriginals and not from the AFN - who claims peoples and lands and seas, wrongly and bars majority Aboriginals from these.  The input should be national and not from just one province or AFN affiliate or INM faction.

No one should be surprised.

AFN and NDP INM Faction Treaties

The AFN doesn't control the destiny of majority Aboriginals and has barred Aboriginals fromlands and seas resources and other uses.  The Premier needs to make a national call when she is referring to Aboriginals, not just Alberta.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

More AFN Excuses For Disenfranchising Indigenous Peoples

Well, better than Band lists, lets check to see if these AFNs are Indigenous at all.  Most aren't.  This is another colonial agreement like the Methodist colony banishing some who wouldn't go along or Catholic colonies  marrying the wrong persons.  AFN has gone through confederation after disenfranchising most Aboriginals and seizing land and lands grants from the Crowns.  AFN territoriality knows no limits and bans most Aboriginals from the lands and seas resource use, so, following on the AFN confederation nationalism, we should allow a national Aboriginal vote on all these issues.  The AFN might be removed........

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Indigenous Peoples Demand AFN BAnd Lists to 1985

AFN Justice Is Why Many Aboriginals Enter Crowns' Courts

AFN Racial Purity Laws Back In Question

Devolution of the band lists?

National Aboriginal Participation Required - Vote

AFN isn't needed.

AFN Social Assistance, B.C. - Nonreporting? Fraud?

Provinces may receive federal funding for income supports for unemployed or disabled and most Provinces allow Aboriginals to go through this process.  Apparently, in B.C., the AFN does not allow this or the persons seeking assistance are asked to go to the AFN.  Like B.C. Aboriginal healthcare, the AFN apparently had taken over social assistance also and AFN management of any Aboriginal programs, whether they be healthcare, housing income supports and disabilities, has been, at the best, fraudulent and unreported back to stakeholders, like the Crowns.   Aboriginals, wherever they choose to live, are better off with Crown management rather than the AFN middlemen seeking cash, funding and employment from Crown programs created to assist Aboriginals.  The third party should not have any AFN affiliation for very obvious reasons, but the benefits should go directly to Aboriginals pockets, regardless of where they live, cutting out middlemen who, often, take about half  the benefits meant for Aboriginals pockets.

Income supports, whether they be housing or disability and regardless of providers or resource use payments, should reflect the median wage or value of usage and be direct to each Aboriginal pocket.