Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Not In Vain

AFN saying it's okay to use this murder. Its not colonials. It's AFN asking for money. Bad living conditions, starvation,abuse and death. More money. Of course, to publish a chief's salary was a war. Accountability - more colonials telling us what to do. Voting, disenfranchisement and abuse. It's AFN , no one else. The problem? The victim wasn't worth enough money - take her away. Disenfranchisement can take many forms. Too young to understand. As Spence said 'take care of it.'

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Federal Minister Denies Indigenous People Land

Her statement is, basically, a land claim assertion. She knows she is denying the land she claims to Aboriginals. This, apparently, seems to be the only reason she is there. The only thing exceptional is this has recently been provincial. Like the premiers,for example, wynne, she cuts vital programs.

Main health concern in Canada? Poverty.

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AFN Should Not Control Aboriginal Education

AFN track record is one of mismanagement and unaccoutability. Recent agreements by provinces to assume funds of Aboriginal lives,like healthcare, make the AFN more willing to deal with the federal government in Aboriginal education because provincial AFN educatiinal agreements take funding away from AFN and gives that money to NDP and provincial employees. The federal Aboriginal education is a goal of the AFN and NDP. Aboriginal disenfranchisement by the AFN and provinces will continue if either assumes Aboriginal education.

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AFN Didn't Exist In 1970

'The paper,' although cited, is not accessed. The museum has already mislabelled Indigenous persons as AFN. Many AFNs are, in fact, not indegenous, although the crowns have given them land claims as they did when Canada was a colony. Most Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN.

Historians can't be serious with the museum. Maybe its to please the 1970s, who believe their version of history is accurate. Politics and monies are too heavily invested in this version.

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AFN 'Neo' Colonialism

AFN expanding through crown land grants and barring Aboriginals from their land and resources. Aboriginal lives continue to!/ccomment

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AFN Moves to Control Aboriginal Welfare and Schooling

From the report cited, but not accessed by the article. AFN isn't mentioned, except for the welfare portion and urban schooling. AFN's history of mismanagement should preclude them managing any of these programs funding. More importantly, AFN racial purity laws are applied.!/ccomment

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

North American Aboriginal Games AFN Racial Purity Laws?

We need to know if AFN racial purity laws are being applied to athletes. Anyone barred?

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AFN - Treaty Faction Emerges As Crown Land Grants Reviewed

All his arguments can be made about AFN. We need to know what's happened to AFN banded Aboriginals.

Aboriginal rights transcend AFN arrangements and some can be seen as collaboation in Aboriginal abuse and disenfranchisement.

There is open feedback on the crown-AFN land grants system. AFN bars indigenous pesons from their land and resources and the provinces facilitate this legally. Majority Aboriginals should comment for a real and inclusive system.

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Indigenous Land Seizures and Aboriginal Barring By AFN

The Genocide Label is Applicable to AFN

AFN and provincial active disenfranchisement of Aboriginals and barring Aboriginals from their land and resources all qualify AFN in their version of 'neo' colonialism. Also AFN racial purity laws are a qualifier.;_ylt=AoLdBxyH8WdD83bfu6Ml_B7tHSI5;_ylu=X3oDMTIxNjdqaHVyBG1pdANNdWx0aWRldmljZSBQb2xpdGljcyBTdWIgU0YEcG9zAzcEc2VjA01lZGlhQkxpc3RNaXhlZExQQ0FUZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTBhdnVpNmo3BGxhbmcDZW4tQ0E-;_ylv=3

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Premiers have Already Ruined Federal Relations

with majority Aboriginals. Provinces have acted federally in Aboriginal rights. They have barred Aboriginals from their land and resources along with the AFN. Greed over Aboriginal monies, programs and resources. Aboriginal relations have always been federal, regardless of AFN and Provincial territoriality. This hasn't changed. Majority Aboriginals eould reject provincial agreements, if consulted. They eould assert their rights federally as is custom and history.

It is easy to take advantage of disenfranchised Aboriginals and this is what provinces and the SFN have. The worst Aboriginal rights abusers in history gaining more control over disenfranchised Aboriginal lives.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Majority Aboriginals Strongly Urged Consultations

Premiers should have consulted majority Aboriginals before violating Aboriginal federal rights. We, again, require consultations before provinces take any action.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Most Doctors Advise Against Supplements

Especially true forhigh risk groups. Since the fifties many diseases have drugs, whichmake suuplements an option, but disease affects always were a

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

AFN Doesn't Control 'Native' Education

Although AFN is willing to waive AFN racial purity laws for students if the crowns agree to fund more 'immersion' Aboriginal language courses. These courses might thrive outside of government requirements in government controlled schools.

Who controls indigenous education? Most Aboriginals are disenfranchised by AFN and AFN abuse of Aboriginals. Ideally, private schools, which no one will fund - fighting over the administrative, programming and jobs monies.

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A Pardon for Yesterday's Abuser Doesn't Forgive Today's

AFN Endorses Violence

AFN should deny all violence, whether a special interest like Aboriginal women and girls or Premiers like wynne disenfranchising thousands of Aboriginals by cutting off their welfare.

The committee appointed for the W&G lobby still meets in secret and has published nothing. More money and committees won't therapy self identifiers,excepting diluded premiers who believe the world exists to help it self actualize

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Looking Everywhere but in the Eye

AFN and Healthcare

In addition to crown land grants to the AFN, provinces have also given over funds and management of Aboriginal healthcare to AFN - the biggest Aboriginal abuser in history and a history of corrupt, unaccounted management of federal funds for Aboriginals.

Premiers, like the NDP claiming government jobs and monies, want a bigger piece of the action at the top to trickle diwn to the NDP. Wynne is an excellent example.

Indigenous Canadians always deal directly with the PMO. Anything else is a mistake.

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