Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More Threats

Not an example for children and students.  This reminds of the AFN party treatying with the NDP and Liberal parties.  Why do you think the NDP was so willing to treaty with the AFN? The majority of the billion will be going to NDP party members and government funding the NDP always claims as their own.  Provinces want pay back for all the land and resource treatying with AFN.  In short, the AFN treatied away the majority of the education funds.

AFN is claiming Aboriginal education everywhere, while discounting non AFN claimed territory, like major cities.  The majority of Aboriginals, AFN disenfranchised, haven't even been consulted by AFN, not to mention dreams of participating, maybe by vote.  The AFN can't claim the AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals' education.  Claiming the AFN disenfranchised has become too difficult.  Let's vote.....


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9000+ Years Ago.....


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Monday, April 28, 2014


China Xinhua News (XHNews): A blind-date party is held in northwest China's Lanzhou city to help young singles find their love http://pic.twitter.com/jL8OO4ux3J http://twitter.com/XHNews/status/460747506088157186 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

The ABC’s of International Contracts 2014


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The ABC’s of International Contracts


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Annual Public Meeting 2014


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Opportunity For All, Not

Government, whether appointed or elected, should start at home by creating opportubity for anyone to serve, not looking to non government organizations or AFN, which is granted special rights as an organization.  To the disenfranchised, the governed, the province appears to be simply protecting a special interest fascist pecking order.          The average Aboriginal appears disenfranchised and regionalized by governments special interests.                                                 Kathleen Wynne (Kathleen_Wynne): We can accomplish so much when we work together. Together, we’re creating jobs through the #RingofFire development http://pic.twitter.com/GbaAPaWReJ http://twitter.com/Kathleen_Wynne/status/459419582219177984 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Sunday, April 20, 2014


The AFN has always applied their racial purity laws to those assigned the the AFN reserves.  It is a loss.  Based on mothers, then fathers, then location, then AFN lands ownership, etc.  AFN racial purity laws are also saddening.  Misleading thousands into a perverse concept of life.            One of the important things to know is, although the AFN considers 'diversity' a cornerstone, this may be self serving in that many AFN Aboriginals are not, in fact, indigenous.  Many are just recent immigrants.  Genetic testing defined what an Indigenous North American is the year before AFN was formed.  AFN  Aboriginals don't meet the UN definition of Indigenous peoples, hence the emphasis on 'territoriality traditions.'  It is convenient and cheaper for Canada to pay off tbe AFN and discount majority Aboriginals.      So, we need to explain this to the future.  We need to correct the wrongs.  We need to compensate AFN disenfranchised peoples.                                                                                    CBC News: Lisa Charleyboy has given a lot of careful thought to her dating life, not just in the typical way that you would expect of a millennial. "I’m a First Nations woman, and the issues of dating and marriage are complex for me," says Charleyboy. Read her story here: http://www.cbc.ca/1.2615016 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Thursday, April 17, 2014


CBC News: BREAKING NEWS: Métis win appeal court ruling giving them Indian status. More to come: http://cbc.sh/udlK18E (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

AFN Disenfranchisement

Many have problems from AFN life and culture; the AFN no longer consider them a value.  We cant rely on family serves to free them because the AFN sees money there and value.  Major city programs have been dealing with AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals for years.  The problem is getting AFN disenfeanchised Aboriginals their benefits.

CBC News (CBCNews): Urban migration of First Nations youth causing community brain drain http://www.cbc.ca/news/aboriginal/brain-drain-challenges-first-nation-communities-across-canada-1.2611029?cmp=rss http://twitter.com/CBCNews/status/456364011626307584 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Friday, April 11, 2014

There Are Tens Of Thousands Of AFN Disenfranchised Students

Labels from AFN and Provincial

CBC News (CBCNews): Aboriginal
education bill meets First Nations conditions: Bernard Valcourt. http://www.cbc.ca/1.2605507 http://pic.twitter.com/dgxV9TQSqj http://twitter.com/CBCNews/status/454546939758276608 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014


CBC News (CBCNews): Northwest Territories devolution officially takes hold http://bit.ly/1hYHldT http://twitter.com/CBCNews/status/450968848263417857 (Sent via Seesmic http://www.hootsuite.com)

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