Friday, July 24, 2015

Thirty Years of AFN disposals

AFN has done more to disenfranchise Aboriginals than any government.  Aboriginals have been left to their own and provincial devices as AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals from AFN lands and seas claims, whittling down AFN numbers and pocketing federal monies and jobs for the few who remained in the AFN.

The AFN treaty ed with the liberal and NDP parties as the INM faction declared the AFN a party.

What's becoming painfully obvious is the AFN disenfranchisement of Aboriginals while stealing monies meant for Aboriginals.  The AFN represents very few Aboriginals.  The majority don't have anything to do with the AFN or want out from what AFN and Canada think is AFN purview.  The AFN represents a small fraction of Aboriginals.  Of course Canadian policy reflects this stature. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Aboriginal Territory Is Canada

Not just where they were found or told to settle.  The AFN really has no claim to the territories granted it by the Provinces.  It's all Aboriginal and banning most Aboriginals from the territory the AFN claims hurts even more.  The AFN represents very few Aboriginals.  Even the original band lists have been dramatically decreased.  Majority Aboriginals have been disenfranchised by the AFN and live off reserve because of that.  We need to stop forcing people to deal with AFN when the AFN really doesn't represent majority Aboriginals.  There is no vote either, like Provincial Premiers.

Monday, July 20, 2015

New Party, Old Church

This sounds like a church election or AFN (which is a political party) electing at 'traditional chief' based on family lineage or royalty; depending on if your count the last leader of the AFN who based his rule on being 'The King of the Indians.'
None of this existed under Indigenous life until we started with that 'Great Spirit' and 'spirited animals' stuff for the 'Westerners.'  Dances and taking circles.  Headdresses and treaties....

In any case, this shows how the AFN representing very few of the Aboriginal population and even disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Indians of lands and seas grants from the provinces.  No one is really elected.  Premiers are political appointees of the party elite.  No one voted for them, but they tax and spend citizens just like the AFN chiefs do - even without a band list vote.  The few controlling the monies of government to the few, without a vote.

Thew new authority shouldn't have a matriarchal or patriarchal system with any voting based on AFN racism, purity and 'traditional (meaning lands and seas grants)' territories based on same. 

The 'authority' should be a national Aboriginals vote outside the AFN.  This can be done on the internet in five minutes with the resource use monies generated going to each Aboriginal's pocket outside the AFN.

Worldviews and Talking Circles

The biggest blind spot is the AFN.  These college courses appear to be begun by the AFN party loyalsits and fit into NDP teachers unions.

The course doesn't address Aboriginals at all before 'Westerners' appeared.  The course should address this as much as possible before using the 'Westernization' to 'teach.'  If the school is serious, it would look at the AFN over the last thirty years and their affects on Aboriginals. 

I wouldn't open up my 'heart and mind' to an Aboriginal AFN.  That is a mistake.  The course requires the participants to 'tell something about themselves.'  Don't buy into these judges.  Look at their view, leans, they use to study you and what they do with the information.

The course is a stereotype......... 

Friday, July 17, 2015

How About A Job? Better yet a tenured government job?

The ad should list jobs that are seeking Aboriginals so all that education doesn't go to waste.  Like Senior year in high school, and later University you'll find out you won't survive if your not sober(yes, that can mean drugs too).  It's all work all day.

Indians In Hats

Remember those old photos of Aboriginals in suites and hats?  Something off there.  Still is.

Anyone can where anything they want on there heads.  It's the law now.  AFN has no right to claim persons' head dressings.  Aboriginals are knowing for being welcoming.  The AFN is not.

Banning head dressings for only non aboriginals, as defined by AFN racial purity laws, is wrong and should stop immediately before no one can wear them without AFN permission.  I suppose it depends on the function, but that would be more fashion than anything else.....

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Why No Indigenous North American Environmental Stewardship?

The AFN.  The AFN ties its 'stewardship' to land and sea grants as well as resource use.  We need to unite all Canadian Aboriginals for 'stewardship' and resource use benefits, directly to Aboriginals pockets, bypass the AFN, which only represents a small number of Indigenous Canadians.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Why Aplogize To A Political Party?

same as NDP.

Why Were The Children Taken?

It's easy to say that the families want them back and your an advocate for that, but what no one can publish and is the most important factor in the welfare of the children is; why were the children seized from the families in the first place?  They usually have a good reason and to say that the children are 'problem children' now is moot.

"Prior to this role I worked in the area of restorative justice and I would see how many children would come through our doors as a result of being in CFS care, and knowing what I've learned over the years and all of these intricacies of residential school effects,''

To put a child back into a perilous home is not the answer.  Ultimately, as adults, most can meet with those families.