Friday, July 24, 2015

Thirty Years of AFN disposals

AFN has done more to disenfranchise Aboriginals than any government.  Aboriginals have been left to their own and provincial devices as AFN disenfranchised Aboriginals from AFN lands and seas claims, whittling down AFN numbers and pocketing federal monies and jobs for the few who remained in the AFN.

The AFN treaty ed with the liberal and NDP parties as the INM faction declared the AFN a party.

What's becoming painfully obvious is the AFN disenfranchisement of Aboriginals while stealing monies meant for Aboriginals.  The AFN represents very few Aboriginals.  The majority don't have anything to do with the AFN or want out from what AFN and Canada think is AFN purview.  The AFN represents a small fraction of Aboriginals.  Of course Canadian policy reflects this stature. 

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