Monday, November 30, 2015

Privilege Fraud

Just another product of buying into easy excuses.  It's a scam, but she knows that.  No more ney there even with violent protests. 

Most premiers are thought of the same.  Gee, maybe it's the governing system...excuse.

The AFN 'chief' can go home with Obama?

So, Just Discarded 1/2 The Population Here?

or is there some responsibility for the males turned away to death at the refugee camps?  You can't discriminate without effects, unless, of course, that is the goal.  Punitive, lethal, 'equity empowerment.'

Why does the AFN turn Aboriginals into tools? Selfish? Money? Vigilantism? Violence? Punishers? Goals?

No Aboriginal Consultation

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The 70s Crying Indian?

Read this pub, we're way beyond stereotyping Indians and 'nature.'

@UNDP: #EquatorPrize brings indigenous issues to forefront of Climate Summit: @equatorinit #COP21

Saturday, November 21, 2015

It's Not AFN Territory, It's Aboriginal

Who does this soverign represent?  Had a count lately?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Wynne's Ignorance Shines Through

Well, 'except for (our) Aboriginals we all came from somewhere else.'. We all came from somewhere else.  Pretty sure it was Africa.  Rest is not mostly recent migrations to North America.  Why the AFN formed the year Indigenous North Americans were defined scientifically by genetics.  As opposed to recent migrations, like BC AFN chapters funding of genetic research indicates about 5000 years and much less, Indigenous North Americans, the First Peoples (migration), are at least 15000 years old.  That's three times older than the oldest AFN chapters in BC.  Canada pays out to the AFN because it is cheaper to pay the few rather than the majority, Indigenous North Americans.

Wynne can try like others to redefine history, but science does in the end.  Lots of studies nothing's changed since 1985.

Monday, November 16, 2015

So, What Is A 'Native' Anyway?

These 'scientists' haven't bothered to define them genetically basing their 'findings' on the 'ice bridge?' genetic geology faulted model and assuming what a human is....

Seems kinda sneaky to me.  Maybe it will be in school books soon....

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Well, Supposedly We Looked European 'Delicate'

We could play shirts and skins.  Many names, especially cities, could use a make over.  Buffalo?  We could go with: 'Chief squashed by falling rock.' or 'Good hunter trampled by steam buffalo....'. ...;-)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

'You've Been Assimilated:' Trudeau

Same as Harper.  The majority Aboriginals, disenfranchised by the AFN, are discarded again by PMs that insist Aboriginals who live free of the AFN are now 'Canadian;' and not unique - deserving of special rights given in Canada and other bodies, like, for example, the UN.

The letter, claiming an unelected mandate, seeks to further divide Aboriginals, cut them right in half, with secret commissions investigating female Aboriginal missing, murdered (self murder) persons - completely discarding the other stakeholders, males.  This is also a lobby seeking special rights for females only, in Canada and the UN; mirroring what is used.  It is also an effort to recruit civil society to the cause, like the AFN-INM faction, which threatened murder and self murder to obtain funds.

Nothing new here.  We're still here; the discarded and silenced majority.

Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Mandate Letter | Prime Minister of Canada

Liberal cabinet ministers get detailed marching orders from Trudeau | CTV News -

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We're Non Violent!

We advocate that violence doers,domestic terrorists, get maximum prosecution and this be done retroactively.  No hiding, anywhere.


Trueau Trestied With AFN Party Against Canada

@IndigenousXca The exclusion of Minister of Indigenous Affairs from main Cabinet Comms seems 2 belie importance of FN's by Trudeau? Link to Tweet:

Monday, November 9, 2015

AFN Party Invited To UN

Well, stealth elections do have there benefits, especially when you treaty with the liberal party and Trudeau.

So, who do they claim.... to a sovereign...government.

Anyway, it doesn't appear to be violence based as was the ten val of the AFN Senators (UN may want to research that)✂

AFN Planning Future Escape

Same Mistakes AFN Won't Ackowledge

It is obvious that no investigation can be done while immediately dismissing half the Aboriginal population based on gender.  Law enforcement and commissions can't investigate anything this way.  It is irresponsible to force anyone to.

Proper investigations might focus on the backgrounds before the deaths, regardless of gender.  We may find they were all disenfranchised by the AFN, some aggressively, just before their deaths, whether they were suicides or not; the AFN has cause to hamper any real world comprehensive investigations.

Reserves, Diseases

This is an old complaint as Aboriginals were forced to stop nomadic lives by colonies.  Both the AFN and Provinces advocate and force an ending to Aboriginal in nomadic lives.  Disease was often a strong reason for following food sources like always available coastal / sea sources.

'We Provide Services'

the actual person won't get a penny.

@char_lawyer Justin Trudeau is giving Indian monies to Premiers of Provinces to divy out to their Indian Act Mayors in breach of s.35 of Constitution. Link to Tweet:

Friday, November 6, 2015

AFN Cancelled All University Programs

Graduate to what?  Even with a bunch of four year degrees there's no jobs, even if you treatied with Trudeau. 

AFN party just takes all that money and jobs.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

We Require Citation Whenever Used

We require citation, especially if it's a job or governments.  We penalize to the maximum extent of the laws!
The copywritings have been at the bottom of the page. Contact us if your unsure how to cite us or if you've used us and not cited!!

Our Publication Remains Unchanged

All our writing, titling, etc is copywrited and must cited any time it is used, even in good ideas.  If you have not done this rectify immediately and notify the publishers and readers, especially if it is job related.

We penalize maximally any use that is not cited!

Our Impact Is Profound

Trudeau, who has personally treatied with the AFN party, a particular faction -  AFN INM, wears a skin tattoo for loyalty to a 'tribe or AFN colony,' and is unelected representing a very questionable below 1% of the citizenry like the AFN 'Chiefs' has decided to rename Aboriginals as Indigenous.  Not uncommon for petty dictators to divide and conquer, again, those who it benefits.

Most Aboriginals will get no benefit from Trudeau's and his AFN's dictatorial games.  Neither on defines us, even in propoghanda like language and meanings from the crowns and AFN.

Maybe that's what we need to ask:  Anything Trudeau's AFN do benefit me?  Money in my pockets?

Harm?  Well, did the AFN do harm with its inception in 1985/6 after genetics defined, scientifically, indigenous north americans?  Has the AFN harmed the majority of Aboriginals it disenfranchised with forced ejection from lands and seas the AFN and provincial crowns?  What happened to the AFN disenfranchised?  Where did they go?  Where did their money go?  Where did the money for them given to the AFN to provide services go? We have many more questions that are simply ignored, money stolen and attempts to change impact, history.  Should sound familiar...

Don't be surprised the AFN and Trudeau will be working Aboriginals. They treated.  They're not elected and represent a very few party elite where their 'loyalties' will always lye.  The European colonial confederations where just like this.....

We're still here.

Oh  ya, once again, we're non violent and call the cops.  If you're collaborating with terrorists or whatever - that's your choice and you're problem and we're always for maximum penalties....🔑

Home and NATIVE Land, eh?

True North strong and free.
Trudeau wasn't elected.  As such, he's just trying to please the AFN party with whom he personally treatyed.
Remember those Florida 'native' bumper stickers?  Let's make some for the AFN!  ✅
Nothings changed in the AFN colonial confederation as they become strong and free...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Faster Genetics?

See timeline on genetic 'adaptation.'

AFN Party Racial Purity Wins Games

First Peoples?

Monday, November 2, 2015

AFN Party Transparency OTD?

@keiko1931 @smwems @Kathleen_Wynne was there a back room deal made with Native Chief's to get out the vote for removing the transparency rule.??????? Link to Tweet:

We Demand AFN Removal From Census

First Nations is not how we describe ourselves, especially out of AFN claimed territory, which the vast majority of us are...

@WinnipegDaily Survey says, census is way more reliable: Prime MINISTER-designate Justin Trudeau has promised to bring back the… Link to Tweet:

@Indigenouscanad @UNDP @HelenClarkUNDP Indig ppls not even mentioned in Arctic... Link to Tweet:

Vulnerable People and Government Systems

Well, Canada and NATO seem to have passed completely on Aboriginals.  I guess the traditional excuse is Aboriginals are acquired to serve.

The timing is strange and occurs as the gender movement makes its way into the AFN and recruits other Aboriginals as it divides and conquers again.  For example, missing and murdered (self murder isnt discussed) Aboriginal movement and secret committees.  Solving half the problem does not make one whole.

Then there's the Arctic where the only interested party appears to be Russia.  China may be quietly interested, but is busy with sea claims and Mongolia. The UN seems only interested in income.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Can't Break 15,000 Year Mark

of the first peoples. Indigenous north Americans.

Probably because they're not that haplogroup.  So, the 'scientist' offer a huge projection based on genetic archeology.  Not sure how scientific they are...but most who insist on this theory are always proven wrong by haplogroup x.  Insisting, no matter how much spent, on falsehoods is usually proven wrong by science.  Ya, its like global warming.....