Monday, April 27, 2015

'Reconnecting' with AFN, sans Aboriginals, Band Lists - New AFN Chief Ignores the AFN Disenfanchised Aboriginals

While he wants to 'reconnect' with the AFN he doesn't mention Aboriginals, just the AFN, which has become a political party after the 'Idle No More' faction made demands or there would be deaths.  A majority Aboriginals of Aboriginals are disenfranchised by the AFN and the AFN won't acknowledge them, but asserts the 'territoriality' of the AFN - one of the main ways to disenfranchise Aboriginals.   The new AFN chief should go back to the band lists, starting with 1980 and move forward.  He should also check Aboriginal's status'  - murdered, missing, where they live and socio economic conditions.


Chief Bellegarde will ensure that AFN reconnects with First Nations and will expand AFN’s political influence.'


Chief Bellegarde will focus his attention on the implementation of Inherent and Treaty Rights.'

This AFN chief has added 'inherent' rights, although the AFN stands directly in the middle of  majority Aboriginals access - barring disenfranchised and AFN Aboriginals from resources, lands and waters, and requiring AFN racial purity laws for acknowledgement.

We don't acknowledge this person as our leader, but a source of resistance, delay and obstruction.  The AFN is a restriction, hurdle and encumbrance to be overcome. 1 (

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