Monday, September 21, 2015

AFN Veto Powers

Well, strange considering like parliaments there is no vote with most Aboriginals and the AFN.  Crowns (lately provincial) lands and seas grants to the AFN is the same as crowns grants to colonies a couple of hundred years ago.  Both gave lands and seas to colonies from the crowns powers.  Both bar most Aboriginals, identified as AFN and assigned to or not, from using lands and seas resources where the grants have been given by the crowns. 

There is no such thing as 'traditional territories' for Canadian Indigenous First Peoples, regardless of AFN, and before the the 'European' colonies, lands and seas grants from the crowns, Canaidian Indigenous First Peoples ranged freely all over North America.  Where they were found, trap lines, or other ways of assigning territories to Canadian Indigenous First Peoples are irrelevant and disregarded.

First, Canadian Indigenous First Peoples need a vote,

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