Friday, September 18, 2015

AMC Represents Who...?

'...largest Indigenous political advocacy & rights protection organization,...'

Well, first off not sure that provincial borders apply to Indigenous, being the First Peoples of North America, or Aboriginal, being groups that make longer term lands and seas claims than 'Europeans' and possibly 'Vikings,' persons.  First Peoples have never given in to territorial claims, like treatying with provinces for lands and seas, by AFN or provincial crowns.  The AFN needs to really define who they are with Turdeau lumping everyone together under the AFN - the mistakes of many preimiers. Forcing people to deal with the AFN is also a PM mistake.

Well, we reject the AFN - AMC faction as we did the AFN - INM (Idle No More).  They do not reperesent the majority, probably greater than 90%, of Aboriginals for whom we write.

We need PMs and Premeirs acknowledging Majority Aboriginals, not the micro minority AFN land and seal claiming, fewer to pay/less cost.  Majority Aboriginals also need a vote for premiers and PMs as well as AFN party reps.  Majority Aboriginals have been passed over for too long with the endorsement of goverment fascist parliamentary appointments; fooling the world into thinking Canada and the AFN is a democracy.

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